@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

La LNH vient de FAISER les Sénateurs…

#nhl #ottawasenators En raison de la situation d’Evgenii Dadonov d’il y a quelques années, Ottawa doit céder un choix de première ronde du repêchage de 2024, 2025 ou 2026. Il semble que toute cette situation aurait pu être facilement évitée par la LNH, alors les Sénateurs devraient-ils être punis pour cela ?


  1. Ima just say this and a lot of people might disagree, but there is too much evidence that the decisions the NHL has made over punishments in the past 2-5 years, is made based on favoritism. Think about it. Think about the Kyle Beach situation. One of the most disgusting situations in the modern era. As a fan of a rival, I wanted blood for what the Blackhawks did, yet the NHL responded by giving them a slap on the wrist, then suspiciously being rewarding Bedard after. Think about the Tom Wilson situation in 2021. The one where he was trying out for MMA in a game against the rangers. The NHL gave Wilson a slap on the wrist for his actions, yet immediately threw the book at James Dolan after he wrote an angry letter to the nhl over the unfair treatment. And now the NHL is trying to rail the Senators this past week. Pinto definitely should have been suspended, but 41 games? Torres decking Silfverberg to the head and gambling worth the same punishment? I don't think so. Now they are losing a first round pick over something that was 95% accidental. Notice how the hawks didn't lose a draft pick for the Kyle Beach situation, 100% these actions were intentional, now they have a player that wouldn't even suit up for them if the NHL actually gave out proper punishments for what they did. I'm tired. I'm tired of seeing unfair treatment nearly every decision involving a major incident. NHL has given out far greater punishments for far less offenses time after time after time. Please stop with this. I've seen too much

  2. honestly as Knights fan I wouldn't have even minded a fine, we didn't really lose any assets because it was a cap dump and we got a cup the next year anyway. Just as long as the league made it clear with a fine that it was ottawa's fault

  3. Vegas gets that nice 1st rounder pick and a Canadian team is heavily penalized. I highly doubt the opposite situation would have had such a severe punishment.

  4. Sexual assault = 1st overall generational player
    Error in contract details – remove 1st round draft pick….

  5. Chicago staff commit a crime get to keep their picks but coyotes and Ottawa lose picks for basic reasons clearly bettman is biased to original six teams

  6. I agree with it, the world as a whole has gotten way too soft on punishment lately. Set and example and make sure something like this doesn't happen again. It sets a very good precedent for the rest of the league to follow. Mess up sending over a players contract details you forfeit a draft pick; cover up sexual assault you have to pay a large fine, but get a generational talent as compensation in return.

    Seems simple enough for me.

  7. Can you get over the blackhawks already jesus, your just mad because they got the 1st pick.

  8. Maybe it’s cause it’s a Canadian team… the black hawks did one of the worst things to ever happen in any sport and got gifted a 10/10 player for it

  9. Naw. If Chicago didn't get a ding like this for something which is worse, then this is too much for what was mostly an inconvenience, and probably an accident. After letting Chicago slide like that, it's hard to see any move the NHL makes as reasonable. Probably because they need to grow their American audience. Wouldn't want to hurt that future.

  10. They're trying to protect the league's integrity yet they basically gave the Blackhawks a slap on the wrist for some of the most heinous acts

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