@Kraken de Seattle

Le parcours de l’entraîneur du Kraken, Justin Rogers, pour devenir gay et comment l’équipe l’a soutenu

Le parcours de l’entraîneur du Kraken, Justin Rogers, pour devenir gay et comment l’équipe l’a soutenu



  1. alienbanter

    This is a really great article. Feels good to be a fan of this organization 🦑💙🏳️‍🌈

  2. It’s super cool to see all of these Kraken players saying they support him. What a great group of people. Love this team!

  3. ConceptMajestic9156

    Son: « Mom, Dad, I’m gay. » Mom: *Stares at Dad*

    Dad: *Clenches fist*

    Mom: « Don’t! »

    Dad: *Sweats Profusely*

    Mom: « … »

    Dad: « HI GAY, I’M DAD »

  4. I love the quotes from Gru, Ebs, and Matty. And Francis too honestly. Really proud of the team and the culture they’ve built here.

  5. flanman1991

    One of the reasons I love Seattle in general. We are overall a very welcoming and amazingly weird in all the right ways, kind of city. Makes me even more proud to be a fan of the franchise and even more in love with the city I live in.

  6. Crazy_King_Bumi

    I love this organization! So proud to be a Kraken fan!

  7. stumbletownbc

    It’s weird that this is still news, but I guess hockey makes sense to not have made that population normative step yet

  8. NorEastahBunny

    I’m so proud of our team being openly supportive and making people feel comfortable to be who they are. Despite the efforts that are being made, hockey still is a very straight, white, male sport. A lot of times we see examples of where organizations or fans or players, or a mix, allow themselves to do pretty terrible things. Things that don’t get addressed, justice isn’t served.

    Above all, showing that our team is welcoming and supportive of everyone equally is just amazing. I hope others can follow suit. Keep up the amazing work guys

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