@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Quelle a été la goutte d’eau qui a scellé le sort de Pierre Dorion ?

Chris Johnston, initié à TSN Hockey, se joint à SC avec Jay Onrait pour discuter de la punition sévère que les Sénateurs ont reçue pour leur mauvaise gestion de l’échange d’Evgenii Dadonov et si c’était la goutte qui a fait déborder le vase qui a scellé le sort de Pierre Dorion. Johnston partage comment il pense que les joueurs des Sénateurs géreront la situation dans le vestiaire et où l’équipe ira à partir de maintenant.


  1. I’ve been in the company lunch room with Andlauer talking like in the press conference about having a bad quarter, he demands people to take responsibility of their actions, Ottawa you got an owner who wants to win and will call people out when big mistakes are made

  2. The league never enforced the first round draft puck against the devils. You forgot to mention that.

  3. We need some reporters to grow a pair and ask the NHL why they punish dishonesty harder than they do covering up a rape… do your god damn job and get the NHL’s balls out of your mouth.

  4. If I'm Andlauer I'm suing Bettman for discovery to see if the NHL purposefully delayed the investigation until after the sale.

  5. Ottawa should have covered up a sexual assault so they could also get a "generational talent". Complete bullshit

  6. but chicago can cover up SA and just pay some fines, but keep the first that becomes Bedard. Wheres the consistency in these decisions

  7. What are you talking about CJ. It's not like disliking the paint in the living room. It's more like finding out the kitchen sink was stolen and it gets reclaim the day after you moved in.

  8. Dorion gets fired but Shanahan keeps his job as maple laughs president? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

  9. All in all seems like the league should fucking stop doing everything by fax machine finally

  10. The problem is the nhl took this long to confirm emails between player and agent and agent and gm/front office! But if this type of management un compliance from New Jersey, Ottawa, Arizona is the standard then ok? But what is not ok was something much worse which was Chicago and Kyle Beech which was covered up by ownership, upper management and coaching staff was a slap in the wrist over a much larger hockey wide problem. And Bettman and the league thought that wasn't serious enough to make a statement by over punishing Chicago. Goes to show Bettman and the nhl don't care about molested young hockey players at all.

  11. So blackhawks keep there 1st round pick after that beech situation? What a joke, I guess hockey canada must be running the league……

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