@Rangers de New York

Le plus grand retour de l’histoire du Tricolore | 5-0 à 6-5

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  1. I remembrer turning off TV 5-0 and go back on my PC. Then my father comes in and say they won… WHUT??

  2. I'm surprised that neither starting goalie got the boot after each letting in 5 goals in a row! 😆😃😂😀🤣😃😆😄🤣😁 Happy Hab's fans,

  3. One can only imagine if this was Guy Lafleurs comeback game. That was the magnificent Forum a few years earlier but still.

  4. I remember watching this game on tv coming back from work, at 5-3 you could just feel it from the crowd in the Bell center, there was something in the air you can only get in Montréal, as if it was inevitable that the Habs would win this game, the ghosts Don Cherry was complaining about I guess. I grabbed my jersey, jumped in my car and went straight to my friend’s place where a few people were watching the game. I strolled in the living room yelling “mark my words; we’re winning this one!” and we ended up having one hell of an evening and probably the greatest hockey memory I had until our run to the 2021 finale.

  5. Nothing but respect for Sam Rosen here. He was watching an utter collapse by a team he'd been covering for 25+ years at that point, and was still willing to call the comeback with all the gravity and enthusiasm it deserved. Consummate professionalism.

  6. It’s funny because for like 8 years after this Henrik and the rangers were cursed against the Habs and couldn’t beat them

  7. markov god damn what a player that guy was people forget lol his cross the ice pass no look where SOOOO fucking good with kovy

  8. I believe this was an afternoon game and one of the best things about this particular game is the crowd never gave up the crowd was electric from the moment we scored the first goal he was like they knew something magic was going to happen. It felt magic in the air. There was something special.

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