@Ligue nationale de hockey

Nouvelle affaire d’agression sexuelle contre les Blackhawks

Nouvelle affaire d’agression sexuelle contre les Blackhawks



  1. The-G-89

    Chicago fans will find a way to defend this too.

  2. The Senators better get fined and lose another 1st round pick

  3. notyomamasusername

    If the senators lost a pick over flubbed paperwork….this is certainly a $5,000 fine for Chicago right?

  4. AnxiousArtichoke7981

    If this lawsuit that finds the Blackhawks organization liable and the Blackhawks knew about this as well, then the fine needs to be in the
    Tens of millions and there needs to be multiple draft choices taken away.

  5. bacon205

    Let’s see how the NHL can spin this into another 1st overall…

  6. Haunting-Ad-9517

    This just in, Chicago Blackhawks have received the first round pick from the Ottawa Senators in exchange for future considerations. Some of my sources are saying Ottawa will get a fine in return, more to come.

  7. Stereocloud

    So chicago gets the #1 pick again right?

  8. PoopSlinger23

    Gasp! No way. I just can’t believe it. Anyways…Chicago gets #1 overall next season then?

  9. Trent_Rockero

    Celebrini and Bedard are gonna rip it up together

  10. Jessebruu

    Looks like that blackhawks are in line for another 1OA pick in this years draft

    Good thing the league threw the book at the sens for a clerical error… but some how rewarded the Blackhawk’s with a generational talent and 1OA pick for covering up a decades long SA scandal .
    To now add this ontop of the total miss handling of the Kyle beach situation. Just drives home how inapt and incompetent this league is .

  11. Sad_Establishment875

    Ah man, they’re gonna get Celebrini now too…

  12. Chipmunk-Adventurous

    Celebrini to Blackhawks confirmed

  13. thecoolerllcoolJ

    Blackhawks litterly sexually assault and destroy the life and careers of hockey players and somehow the Senators, Ducks, and Coyotes will take the fall for it.

  14. The comments are so good. I love that almost every fan bases response was “blackhawks get 1OA”

  15. carlos2nd

    All this was in the original report, player is just now filing a suit. Hawks fine of $2 million for their lack of response included this incident.

  16. necros911

    Had to come here because Sportsnet has ‘comments turned off’ like most stories.

  17. rickyspanish895

    I’m at least grateful all the personnel from 2010 are gone or dead.

  18. ArkanoidbrokemyAnkle

    Blackhawks 2025 lottery winners confirmed.

  19. Stockton20969

    Incoming Hawks fans to defend rape…..again…..

  20. I think the punishment should be Bedard to the Canucks…. Just because of that dumb goal song lol

  21. regal_ragabash

    Hopefully the league punishes the Senators to the full extent possible for this

  22. Oh look at that, it’s more wide spread then initially believed.

    Please NHL! Actually fucking do something so that an example can be set. No more bullshit 2 million dollar fines to a billion dollar organization, actually do something.

  23. horst-graben

    Brad Aldrich… let’s get the piece of shit’s name correct.

  24. DixieNorris

    Oh good theyl get another 1st overall pick now

  25. RandyQuench91

    Only fitting punishment would probably be winning that terrible terrible lottery again.

  26. SpiritualAd4733

    Oh fuck ya!! The Senators are going to GET IT

  27. Purple_Map_507

    Remember the only were fined 2 millions dollars. The ownership should have been forced to sell the team and they should have lost their first round picks for at least 3 years. I don’t hate Blackhawks fans or the players but the ownership can absolutely burn in hell. The league took harsher action on the Senators due to a trade than they did of the coverup of sexual assault. If I was Connor Bedard’s mom, I would be living in his pocket for the next 5 years. I would never trust that organization to keep my kid safe.

  28. Jakebroe

    « The Chicago Blackhawks have been fined $5000 for a 3rd case of sexual assault at the hands of an employee, the maximum under the current CBA »

  29. MittenRaised

    Void Bedard contract and allow him to become a free agent but only the other bottom 10 teams from last can sign him, through a lottery.

  30. Spiritual-Handle-516

    1st round pick next year for them.

  31. canadachris44

    They can promote Bedard all they want, it can’t take away forced dick sucking. Sorry to be so brash but that shits messed up. Chicago shouldn’t be allowed a draft pick for 10 years lmao

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