@Blackhawks de Chicago

Un ancien joueur poursuit les Blackhawks de Chicago pour agression sexuelle en 2010

Un ancien joueur poursuit les Blackhawks de Chicago pour agression sexuelle en 2010



  1. dishonourableprince


    edit: The comments surrounding this on social media are more about Bedard than it is about this specific player that was abused. Just disappointing and disgusting.

  2. Patrick2701

    I still don’t understand why anyone in that front office, said fuck it and let’s fire this fucked human being in 2010

  3. Three_Froggy_Problem

    Surely the statute of limitations isn’t up on these assaults, right? This video coach should be in prison.

  4. ericsipi

    How did the investigation after KB came forward not discover this? No way they did a whole investigation and didn’t come across it.

  5. No_life_found

    Was it allegedly by the same guy who assaulted Kyle Beach?

  6. Few-Quiet-283

    Can someone explain to me why Aldrich is not the one being sued ? Obviously the Blackhawks have a lot more money than Aldrich does, and they obviously showed organizational misconduct by covering up the assault, but I was just curious as to why Aldrich hasn’t been sued directly.

  7. I_hate_old_folks

    Stay out of r slash hockey unless you like reading the same version of bedard and senators pick jokes over and over

  8. Jordache2020

    When they did the previous investigation did they not get a confession from the GM/coach about the second John Doe being involved?

  9. Not unexpected and glad it’s happening now. This John Doe deserves the same kind of reparations that Beach received. Even if a payout can’t undo the past or remove the horrors either of those two had to endure, it’s really the least the organization can do for them now to help them move forward in their personal lives.

    Edit: [Wow. McDonough should rot in Hell right alongside Aldrich… what the actual fuck?](https://twitter.com/KatieJStrang/status/1721218442206851515) He literally was shown a picture of Aldrich’s cock, sent to a player who did not want it, and he did… exactly nothing?

    MacIssac is also a shitbag. All these guys should be banned from holding any position of power in hockey ever again. Even if they are gone anyways, make it a public statement and call them out explicitly.

  10. fuelhogshawks

    Terrible thing that everyone would have already known about if they read the god damn report

    Also the amount of people who can’t differentiate why the senators and coyotes lost picks and the hawks didn’t is insane

  11. Stupid_Sexy_Sharp

    Well I hope he gets everything he wants from the organization. Guy got fucked over by the team and he deserves retribution.

    I’d be interested to see if the league takes any action. I kind of doubt they will personally.

  12. Sharkhawk23

    Did management even know if this allegation. If they did I think it would have been disclosed in the investigation they did. If it was known and not disclosed, shame on them, if it wasnt known why didn’t it come out. I thought they talked to everyone on the team I. 2010.

  13. Did the team deserve more punishment? Absolutely. Now’s the league’s chance to dish it out. House has already been cleaned, thankfully, but the league can feel free to drop the hammer and bring the ultimate punishment and justice up to where it should be.

  14. Chicago as an org has paid their dues, but I still think there is punishment to be had like Stan Bowman being charged for his crimes covering this up.

    I am however not even hopeful toward the idea of the NHL getting smarter and more strict on this stuff because, well they do not care.

  15. Evening_Direction585

    Hockey fans by and large are the most miserable despicable people on the planet. All most of them do is spew hate and vitriol over every little thing. Don’t even get me started on the rampant racism.

    Nobody read the article, no body gives a damn about either player they’re all just upset their team didn’t get Bedard. It’s pathetic.

  16. grifeweizen

    This is just so sad…if there are any more people that were assaulted, I really hope they speak up now, this fucking weirdo can get locked up forever, and we can all move on.

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