@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Disponibilité média de DJ Smith – 6 novembre

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef DJ Smith après l’entraînement d’aujourd’hui au Centre Canadian Tire.


  1. Dj looks like he knows the writing on the wall. The level of play doesn't come near the level of talent in the room. The team isn't tuning Dj out but the message isn't being heard anymore. Time to change the coach and move forward.

  2. If the players want to keep DJ around and stop the noise, they just need to put in 60 minutes of effort and get some wins.. so many games they look like they're not competing as hard in the 2nd as they do in the 3rd

  3. Sens fans,,,Sens commentators take note This is what an adult sounds like
    It takes practice but you can do it too ,after all you learned how to wipe your own ass ,,I hope

  4. Such a nice Coach and positive energy..but I never really see much identifiable structure to this team. Typically chase the pace of things. I always worry when the coach talks indirectly and in generalities about the team. Something missing..likely why they don’t win more game to game.

  5. We the fans are partially to blame we have said for months that this is an elite team and we are going to the playoffs. The kids hear this and it goes to there head. Now they are starting to get it that its them that sat back and waited for the wins to come and its not DJ or coaching that’s letting the fans down. As a coach teacher boss you can only give all the guidance but cant go on the ice and do it. They will grow up be patient.

  6. I appreciate how calmly coach D.J. deals with the media. He shows up each day to face the fire and is ever the opitimist. I love having him within the organization. Let's hope that he and the boys can turn things around.

  7. I got no problem with Brady’s words. That’s kinda how you SHOULD react. We love you, Brady!

  8. 6:40 “Not always it’s been about winning. When I got here it was about developing kids.” This is precisely peoples’ concern. He was the guy when we were developing. But he might not be the guy to take that next step.

    I’m not saying he is or isn’t the coach for the next step, I’m just saying that is the main focal point for the concern regarding Smith going forward. It really isn’t about anything else.

  9. Sens fans better not boo the team again, wouldn’t want Tkachuk to cry & throw another hissy fit. He wants paying fans to love losing.

  10. He needs to understand where the fans are coming from too. We have missed the playoffs for how many years now. Every year seems to be the same thing. So of course something has to give. They came out the first few games looking like a playoff team. Then drop back down playing not the greatest. The last few games you started playing too late in the game. You need to play the same the whole game. Passing has been horrible. So if nothing changes then it’s the coaches system or not holding players accountable.

  11. Im sorry but DJ has had ample amount of time to " Do it right". He still cant figure it out from last year where he had a good enough team to make it to the playoffs. Hows the system not instilled on this team after 3+ years together. Yes, theres new players that need to adjust such as tarasanko, Kubalik, chartier but the rest of the team is pretty much the same. DJ and co system IS NOT WORKING.

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