@Ligue nationale de hockey

Sanction « mineure » d’embarquement de Ross Colton contre Luke Hughes

Sanction « mineure » d’embarquement de Ross Colton contre Luke Hughes



  1. luisquin

    Minor?! Might as well have been hit by a car

  2. BidensGoneCRAAAZY

    Followed by an immediate cross check to the head.

    How didn’t Colton get a suspension for this?

  3. doctormirdock

    Avs fans who complained about the Kyle Okposo hit, this is what boarding is

  4. And no response from any of the Devils players. The children on this sub won’t stop squawking that we have fighting to keep these sorts of plays out of the game. So what happened?

  5. bored_person71

    In no way I’m defending the call but to me I think Colton expected Hughes to check back and fight for the puck he held up, then ross sent him into the boards illegally.

    Probably deserve a minor and suspension for 1 game I think. But I can see the like wtf I thought he came to check me at the same time what happened look of uh no I’m in the dog house now.

    That doesn’t excuse the hit as you have to be in control of yourself.

    What you guys think?

  6. AKchaos49

    Penalty or not, dudes going into the corner have to expect to be hit from behind like this.

  7. smilecrocodile1

    So a player gets suspended 1 game for cross checking a player in the back of the head but another gets a $5,000 fine for boarding a player then cross checking another player in the face immediately after. Makes total sense…

  8. dense-but-radiant

    Why did he turn at the last second… They were next to eachother the whole way down from the hash marks, then he just turns away from him right before contact. It was about to be shoulder to shoulder then he just showed him the back at the end. Bizarre play by Hughes.

  9. NomadicNematode128

    To paraphrase what another reddditor said in the game thread last night « Hughes braced for that hit like a fish »

  10. SpinachStraight6569

    Why is he turning his back instead of leaning into the Avs player to battle for the puck though?

  11. minos157

    Ok, just me here and I know I’m in the minority but this looks like an ok hit to just call a boarding. Hughes is still pretty far from the boards and Colton probably expected him to at least attempt to resist. Definitely boarding, not arguing that, but my two cents this is just a minor penalty.


    Following it with a cross check to the face is nonsense though. Definitely not defending any of that.

  12. LegionaryTitusPullo_

    Mad fans gonna be mad fans, but I see shoulder on shoulder. Not a call

  13. Looks like he was trying to avoid the hit and have Colton overshoot but was just a little too late.

  14. gronksmash6969

    It seemed there were some missed calls all over last night. This looks pretty worth a major to me on Hamilton but they called 2 on this. Not defending anything Colton did because cross checking people in the face is simply not ok. Link below.

    [Hamilton Hit](https://youtu.be/brel0ZgCkAE?feature=shared)

  15. Chinchillan

    I think it’s bc 1) he didn’t hit from behind and 2) they didn’t want to give him two majors

  16. As an Avs fan, the entire event that unfolded was disappointing and just shitty. Just procured Colton to and I cant help but see him as a piece of shit.

  17. _redacteduser

    Why on earth would you turn your back to a guy racing alongside you for a loose puck?

    The follow up after the play though, bush league.

  18. donny_chang

    That was a fuckin huck. Fuckin shook em up eh

  19. AVgreencup

    Minor board ok, definitely not a major. Hughes needs to realize it’s not junior hockey. It’s the face cross-check that was the dumb penalty. The refs actually got it all right. NJ got two ppg on the 7 mins anyway

  20. linuxlifer

    The hit was obviously a little dirty but its entirely Hughes fault. He knew he was going to get hit if he followed through going for the puck so he tried to turn away. Colton just followed through with the hit and Hughes turned his back. Colton was obviously going for the hit the entire way in.

    I think the 2 minute minor for the hit itself is fine because it was a dirty hit but not entirely his fault.

  21. confused_apeman

    anyone crying for a suspension absolutely doesn’t understand how fast this happens when you are on the ice. It was a battle that ended badly for one player. No suspension is the right call.

  22. Idk boys that’s a clean hit in regards the the rules and regulations but hey, if you wanna judge it by how hard ya boy got hit then be my guest. Kinda more like Hughes is young and needs to adjust to those plays or…..?

  23. trot0030

    NJ Devils fans just viciously downvoting any comment implying Hughes needs to protect himself. LOL.

  24. Tireseas

    As an Avs fan that pissed me off so much. We can’t be having that complete lack of discipline taking stupid penalties.

  25. chwin514

    You gotta be ready for any hits but dick move from a low caliber player

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