@Flames de Calgary

Continuons cette positivité. JE CROIS EN JONATHAN HUBERDEAU.

J’ai dit ce que j’ai dit. Il va revenir.



  1. Iginlas_4head_Crease

    The dog: « cut the shit, Brad. Hubey sucks and we both know it. »

  2. NomadicLemur

    Fukn Givr’ Huby…..Let’s go! U got this!

  3. doughflow

    I believe you pulled the trigger way too early on that jersey purchase

  4. McKarmic

    Next jersey I’m buying will be a huberdeau one.

  5. byrdcage

    This positivity is so dope! We’re all in this together. Fuck Tre and let’s go boys!

  6. SpitfireFan

    The best the Flames have played in a year has been with him on the bench. Do we really think some lack of fake positivity has been what’s keeping him down? I’m down to cheer for him or whatever, but this is pretty Mickey Mouse.

  7. CanadianRockx

    LET’S GO


    👏- 👏- 👏👏👏

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