@Avalanche du Colorado

Je cherche ce chapeau

Quelqu’un en aurait-il un à vendre ? Ironiquement, j’en ai acheté un pour quelqu’un d’autre et j’ai pensé que j’en aurais un pour moi plus tard.



  1. ProstockAccount

    Message pond of dreams on social media. He has a great stock of Avs gear and merch

  2. asdqqq33

    What makes this an Avs hat? That’s just the state logo, isn’t it?

  3. Whole-Resident2505

    I mean i don’t know whatelse to tell you.

  4. Whole-Resident2505


  5. Whole-Resident2505

    Nah I’m a Colorado Native and the nordics mean nothing to me. I appreciate that they were the Avalanche before they were the Avalanche but they’re not the Avalanche

  6. andycumbee19

    I have the Broncos version of this hat!

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