@Canucks de Vancouver

Jeff Paterson sur les Canucks au volant d’un shooter dans une victoire unique contre les Sénateurs, Pettersson et DeSmith

Un et deux à jouer pour les Canucks lors du road trip dans l’est du Canada. Rink Wide : Jeff Paterson, co-animateur de Vancouver, remplace Matt et se joint à Blake pour parler d’une victoire unique à Ottawa et du rôle de la chance dans leur début de saison. Présenté par @ApplewoodAutoGroup (https://lnk.to/SPApplewood) Écoutez et abonnez-vous au podcast : https://lnk.to/SP680 Envoyez-nous vos commentaires par SMS : 778-402-9680 🔗 : https://linktr.ee /SekeresAndPrice https://twitter.com/sekeresandprice https://www.instagram.com/sekeresandprice https://www.facebook.com/SekeresandPrice https://www.tiktok.com/@sekeresandprice https://www .youtube.com/sekeresprice https://www.sekeresandprice.com/ https://www.rinkwidevancouver.com #NHL #VancouverCanucks #Hockey #Vancouver


  1. One of the biggest differences I'm noticing this year is that even if they're not playing great early, they're for the most part structurally sound and they're getting those early saves that they didn't get when Bruce was coaching. Tocchet also has them playing in a way that if they do give up a goal, it doesn't become a meltdown and they're able to rebound quickly. But it helps when every grade a scoring chance for the opposition in the first 5 minutes isn't ending up in the Canucks net. The Canucks in a lot of ways are doing to other teams this year what a lot of teams did to them in past years and then they'd just collapse as a team. Even when they give up a goal now, you can see everyone refocus visibly. Last year, they'd look lost, and I loved Bruce. But so far, the facts are what they are. Let's see if they can sustain this for 82 games.

  2. they dont cave this year, they get angry. u can see their emotion like they are thinking how dare you score on us. you are suppose to lose and we are suppose to win. i love their mentality this year.

  3. Over 60% of the game The Canucks are leading by 1 or 2 goals they resort to grinding the clock, I'm sure if theyweretrailing they'd fire everything at the net ( as most of their opponents end up doing )

  4. Not many things more pretentious than thinking we can use mathematical equations to understand luck in a sport like hockey. When using something static like a card deck its possible. This is not a casino. Analytics are fundamentally flawed. Someday they may not be, that day hasn't come yet. Pdo and expected blah blah blah dont take soooo many variables into account. It should be like 25% of an argument.

  5. I care about lucky wins insofar as they don’t lift my faith in the team the way an earned won does. That said I don’t think this win was especially lucky. High danger shots/chances weren’t nearly so lopsided as the flat shot count was.

  6. I think people are over reacting to the shot counter. I personally think it depends more on quality chances. If you throw a weak shot 10 times but dont get any quality chances then those 10 shots dont me jack shit.

  7. Vancouver is not last years team. Not sure what they were doing in the game. They threw out a lot of high risk passes and got caught a few times. Harder to defend a picked off pass. A couple teams are coming on now. Starting to play better. And we could have lost if Brady had scored. Was like the next goal sucked the life from them. Sometimes momentum can carry you.Teams always go into some kind of funk. I don't see it. We have so many weapons. Different guys make a difference most games. The constant seems to be Petey, Hughes and Miller and both tenders. Every one on the team has points. Everyone is a plus. Love to see this team go on a crazy winning streak.

  8. "16 points difference now"…..the summary statement on the two teams leadership ànd approach.

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