@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Fantilli des Blue Jackets pénalisé pour son honnêteté lors d’un appel intense

9 novembre 2023 : L’attaquant des Blue Jackets de Columbus Adam Fantilli a reçu une pénalité pour conduite antisportive… pour son honnêteté, après avoir dit à l’arbitre qu’il n’avait pas été touché par un bâton haut. https://scoutingtherefs.com/2023/11/42025/blue-jackets-fantilli-penalized-for-honesty-on-high-stick/ @scoutingtherefs


  1. Fantilli being penalized for this is ridiculous. Also, the folks who are eager to call out people for embellishment should watch this and process it. Reflexes aren't just triggered by contact.

  2. This is so dumb. The kid flinched. If he said nothing he gets called out for embellishment and refs stop calling penalties against him. If he is honest he gets called out for embarrassing the refs and is probably going to wind up with the same result.

  3. I was in the locker room after the game. Fantilli said he flinched like anyone would. But went and told the ref that he didnt get hit and just wanted to be honest. The ref threw him in the box because he didnt like the honesty, apparently.

  4. I don't think it was the flinch with his head tilting back, it was the hand coming up to cover his face.
    Is the hand going up to cover the face part of the natural flinch reaction/reflex? Honest question.

  5. The refs really must not care how bad they look cause we can see right through their bs, they aint being slick at all. The NHL needs some reformation just like every other corporate power.

  6. Does the league track these kinds of trash calls? Not trying to shit on the refs but these kinds of verifiable misses should probably go into a file so that over time you can tell which refs are dropping the ball more often than others. Maybe they already do?

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