@Islanders de New York

« S’ils veulent être comme ça, ils peuvent rester à la maison. » Casey Cizikas en colère envoie un message aux fans des #Isles scandant le licenciement de Lane Lambert | @AGrossNewsday

« S’ils veulent être comme ça, ils peuvent rester à la maison. » Casey Cizikas en colère envoie un message aux fans des #Isles scandant le licenciement de Lane Lambert | @AGrossNewsday



  1. IrishBall

    I understand we’ve been mediocre at best but we can’t be adding frustration to our players this early in the season. Another factor for them to fuck up

  2. islesjets14x

    Yeah this seasons gonna go downhill fast if this stuff keeps up. I get standing up for your coach but be careful what you wish for Casey. The fans are the reason they get paid millions of dollars to play a game

  3. Amazing-Principle-43

    Just sent an email to my rep. This is very disrespectful with what we have seen going on so far. I may take him up on his offer.

  4. HoSang66er

    Not the right take on this, Casey. You’ve been a pro long enough to know you, along with your teammates, should be taking responsibility for putting your coach in the position to have fans chanting for his firing. I, and all of us fans, expect more from you. 🙁

  5. Such an embarrassing answer. I didn’t know that fans could only praise their team’s performance lmao. Just say something vague and or kind of irrelevant and move onto the next question if this is how he’s going to feel

  6. Freddybone32

    You ever see a situation where both sides are wrong and there’s nothing you can do about it?

    Cizikas loves the Islander fans, and the Islander fans love Cizikas. There’s a decade of evidence to back that statement up. He’s right in that the boos and the fire the coach chants completely take away any advantage home ice could possibly bring to a team that is struggling.

    At the same time… Casey, buddy, you’re 22nd in the league and 7th in your division. If you were expecting an arena full of applause right now, you’re in the wrong business.

    This is not an encouraging story to read. Yes, the obnoxious booing fans probably *should* save their money and stay home. But if that’s true and this slide continues, have fun playing in an empty arena.

  7. SmashYourEnemies02

    Aww is the boys club all triggered? Excuse us for not being satisfied with your complacency for mediocrity. And you do know our money pays your fucking salary, right? Fucking idiot!

  8. turbulentcounselor

    Shitttt things are getting spicy this season. Maybe ppl will start paying attention to the isles now if we have drama

  9. ArtyThePoopie

    i can’t possibly explain my rationale on this in a way that doesn’t make me sound like an undiagnosed schizophrenic, so i’m just gonna try and keep this brief:

    i blame lou for this. his iron curtain approach to running this franchise made this profoundly ugly and sad moment possible. no transparency, no accountability; we’re all left entirely in the dark and the players are left alone to face the music. instead of talking to the press twice a year then fucking off for 6 months and forcing your players to answer for your lackluster performance, maybe give someone who actually gives a fuck about communicating a shot.

    i was previously ambivalent on the lou question, but after this incident i am resolute: for the sake of the culture, he must go.

  10. thatguychuck95

    I’ll admit, my friends and I were yelling it the past two games, our section is definitely one of the more vocal/ passionate sections. We’re new season ticket holders and we love this team but it’s been real difficult recently to see the same stuff happen every game and nothing changes.

  11. FigSideG

    Maybe don’t attack the fans of the miserable franchise you play for. This is a fanbase that has put up with mediocrity being acceptable and complete ineptness when it comes to building a team that has any kind of legitimate title shot for decades.

  12. seamohr33

    Wow , Casey’s stock just plummeted big time. I always see the sign for “Casey’s corner “ , time to rename it to “Casey’s safe space “ … such Soft players today

  13. scottywiper

    If they want people to support Lane, then start playing for him.

  14. Science_Fair

    If Casey is willing to refund my season tickets, I’d be happy to stay home. Going to be a long season.

    What is sadder is we can’t even tank by bringing trading assets and bringing up players from the farm system. Our farm system is empty from trading away years of draft picks. Outside of Sorokin and Nelson, most of our players have little trade value.

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