@Kings de Los Angeles


Ne manquez jamais un moment avec les dernières nouvelles, les histoires tendances et les faits saillants pour vous rapprocher de vos joueurs et équipes préférés. Téléchargez maintenant : https://app.link.nba.com/NBAapp Les Lakers de Los Angeles ont battu les Suns de Phoenix, 122-119. LeBron James a inscrit un record d’équipe de 32 points, ainsi que 11 rebonds et 6 passes décisives pour les Lakers, tandis que D’Angelo Russell a ajouté 19 points, 9 passes décisives et 3 rebonds dans la victoire. Kevin Durant a récolté 38 points, 9 rebonds et 5 passes décisives pour les Suns. Les Lakers s’améliorent à 1-0 dans le jeu du Groupe A de l’Ouest et à 4-5 en saison régulière, tandis que les Suns tombent à 0-1 dans le jeu du Groupe A de l’Ouest et à 4-5 en saison régulière.


  1. What I just seen a ex head coach for the lakers coaching the suns now. Wow what does it take to beat lebron

  2. D’Angelo Russell scored 19 points in this game and not a single basket of his was shown. There’s a nasty agenda against D Lo

  3. Why is Beal dancing after he scores in a regular season game?

    Bradley, you’re not on a scrub team anymore. You’re on a team that has veteran leaders that’s contending to win the west. Stop dancing. Win games.

  4. Brons defense is embarrasing to say the least but the coach is just as much at fault he should be on Brons ass to at least put a little more effort! I get he wants to conserve energy so he can stat pad but you cant leave your defender open just to get rebounds!

  5. I know NBA is trying to show or distinguish that the game is a part of In-Season Tournament. But I agree with other comments that these colorful floorings for In-Season Tourney for all teams are awful. IMO, the middle part (teal blue) of the floor is OK to paint. But not the two sides and the out of bounds (purple).

  6. LeBron has become a HORRENDOUS defender. I just watched this for every time he defends. It’s like his eyes are closed and cement stuff on his feet.

  7. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
    Jesus Christ loves you all!✝❤

  8. God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to DIE for us. That’s how much God loves us. Jesus Christ was crucified and rose from the dead three days later. Jesus died for our sins and mistakes so that all of us could be saved. None of us deserve to go to Heaven but because of Jesus’s sacrifice, we can as long as we believe in Jesus and His sacrifice for us. Jesus saved you. He saved all of us. Repent and turn to the Lord before it’s too late. God bless you all!🙏❤✝

  9. why dont you lose ur VIRGINITYYY 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 FYI

  10. Man suns turnovers are crazy they passing like they not even trying 🤦🏽‍♂️💀

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