@Red Wings de Détroit

Avec le retour d’Husso au DET, peut-être que Lyon pourra enfin démarrer !

La femme de Ville a eu un bébé lundi, alors il est naturellement rentré chez lui pour être là. Avec un match consécutif cette semaine, je ne vois pas pourquoi Lyon ne participerait pas à un match. Peut-être qu’il est bon, peut-être mauvais, peut-être juste OK, mais j’espère que nous pourrons enfin voir ce qu’il a. https://www.freep.com/story/sports/nhl/red-wings/2023/11/14/detroit-red-wings-sweden-stockholm-nhl-global-series-2023/71578522007/



  1. Caltroit_Red_Flames

    I imagine he has to eh? Back to back starts don’t really happen anymore

  2. OctoWings13

    Would be nice for him to get a look for sure

    Husso has been alright, but not the game stealer we’re gonna need from what he’s shown

    Might as well let these dudes all rotate in and ride the hot hand

  3. jfstompers

    I’d rather Reimer get both starts than play a guy who hasn’t seen the ice in months

  4. One_Handed_Wonder

    Husso will have Dad powers and carry us to a playoff spot

  5. magikarp-sushi

    Well damn congrats Husso

    And I really hope Lyon can do what Reimer did in his first start against Columbus for us. Or steal a win. Anything that results a W

  6. TJSimpson10

    Don’t count out the possibility of him flying back in time for Friday’s game

  7. Problemwoodchuck

    Maybe. Ideally I would’ve like to see him get a conditioning stint to GR after 6 weeks of relative inaction. I think it’ll depend on how he looks in practice.

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