@Ligue nationale de hockey

J’ai été coupé au cou mais j’ai survécu, AMA, RIP Adam Johnson

Les médecins ont dit : « Vous avez eu de la chance, un quart de pouce suffit. »



  1. Ok-Individual-3219

    Do you feel a neck guard would have helped you in the situation?

  2. v8rumble

    I take it you have a guard on order now?

    I wonder how often players have been cut like this but the public never knew, and now we are going to hear about it more…

  3. lostmyusernameAGA1N

    Holy shit. You are one lucky ass dude.

  4. Are you actively wearing a neck guard now and advocating for them as mandatory equipment.

  5. Tracktoy

    Can you give a detailed account of the scenario/immediate first aid you received?

  6. Leia0330

    A very lucky guy. I feel like sometimes we forget just how dangerous this sport can be. I’m a figure skater and had a skate related injury to my face about 10 years ago. Nowhere near as bad, but still extremely scary.

  7. CitizenNaab

    This might sound barbaric so I apologize but did you feel a lot of pain or did the adrenaline mask it?

  8. markphil4580

    Did they arrest the other player for attempted murder? /s

    Edit: You’re downvoting because you think a player (Petgrave, for example) should be arrested for murder because of an on-ice hit… or?

    I’m confused.

  9. ThisManInBlack

    Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking HELL!

  10. WelderMeltingthings

    Real talk, what was going through your head when it happened? did you know immediately?

  11. little_freddy

    1. Does it still hurt 2. Did you think you were going to die

  12. Sr_Raisin_bran

    What it feel like did you even register what had happened?

  13. What’s your thoughts on this manslaughter charge?

  14. nick1706

    Would you recommend to new/young players that they should wear neck protection?

    Also, did this experience change how you play the game at all? As in, are you more cautious/fearful on the ice, or do you play the same as before?

  15. Borrow03

    Does it just feel like your neck got wet? Or warm? How long before you realised what happened

  16. Knights996

    Glad you’re okay.

    Had a teammate get sliced last season too. Right over the top of his carotid artery. He got incredibly lucky, and it only broke through the outer layers of skin. Doctors said a few cm deeper and he would have been gone.

  17. thecollegecaniac

    Which neck guard did you buy after?

  18. Plato_Magick

    Are you gonna go and buy a lottery ticket now?

  19. 4_is_5_letters

    As someone who has had the injury. Do you think Adam Johnson’s injury was intentional? Sounds to me that a scrum in front of net vs an open ice hit are two different scenarios. Just curious on your thoughts.

    2. Are neck guards the answer? Or do you consider this type of injury an inherent risk of playing an ice sport?

  20. you’re so fucking lucky dude hope you learned from this experience

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