@Flames de Calgary

Au diable tous les fans négatifs. Huby a entendu notre soutien.

Écoutez cette interview. Ils lui ont directement posé des questions sur le soutien des fans ce soir et il l’apprécie vraiment. Fans au dôme, vous avez été géniaux aujourd’hui, je ne fais pas ça normalement mais je vais faire mon tour de victoire, j’emmerde tous ces perdants négatifs sur mon post plus tôt dans la journée. Les vrais fans voulaient voir Huby faire de grands gestes, comme le serrer dans ses bras et l’encourager, peuvent faire une différence, même légère. Je sais que ce n’est qu’un match, je comprends, mais putain si les chants de Huby n’étaient pas sauvages quand il a marqué ce but.



  1. El_Cactus_Loco

    How can you not be romantic about ~~baseball~~ Huberdeau?

  2. Griswaldthebeaver

    I’ve always liked this guy and I wanna see him succeed in Calgary man. Good for Flames fans to try and support him through it, very good look for the fanbase

  3. Visotto1

    Lol, everyone cheered when he scored. Louder than you normally would for a 4th goal. That’s what he’s referring to. You were trying to get people to cheer everytime he touched the puck.

    He touched the puck plenty of times before that and it was crickets. Except for the idiot screaming through the entire second and third.

    Pretty sure all the negative people you love to tell how to how to be a fan were saying they’ll cheer when he gives them something to cheer about. And he did so they did.

    But feel free to pat yourself on the back.

  4. flamingbabyjesus

    Far too often I come here after a loss and see people complaining that ‘so and so wasn’t even trying’. It’s the laziest form of hockey analysis.

    This guy is clearly trying. He seems to care. He wants to be here. do I think he needs to be better? Sure – but so does he. He seems to be owning it. I really hope he finds success both for the team and for himself. I honestly feel like he deserves it because it seems like he is working for it.

  5. Tedders19

    I don’t think there’s any need to divide “real fans” from some other group of Flames fans (so-called “negative losers”). Some people are frustrated and they express that frustration on an Internet forum. It’s not that serious or evil. At the end of the day, all of us want the same outcome: the success of the Flames. And I promise that everyone wants Huberdeau to do well and was thrilled to see him score last night.

  6. Paulhockey77

    Don’t try to divide our fanbase. We all want the same outcome for him. We all were frustrated by how he was playing and people have the right to vent their frustration. Now that was probably one of his best games as a Flame last night. Hope it continues

  7. ColdsnapX

    The thought has crossed my mind that some of the negativity has been coming from actual non-Flames fans trying to start shit. Some posts are sooooo negative, how could they have ever watched hockey before.

    Hopefully that thought is wrong and some of you are just shithead depressed fans! 😛

  8. RealAdamRoth

    My kid wore his Huby jersey and screamed his head off last night. Something which I don’t think is little is that he was physically engaged from the start of the game. He was finishing checks. Like not trying to put someone through the glass but just being a hockey player. It’s not his game, but it gets you in the game if that makes sense?

  9. As much as people bitch about him I think majority are rooting for him, and pumpedbto see him finally rewarded.
    I know I am and I hope he realizes that for real.

  10. No_Standard9311

    There’s nothing you can say to these guys. They have created an impenetrable mental logic. Because he’s been struggling and makes a lot of money, they don’t like him and won’t cheer for him until he scores again. If he keeps sucking they were right all along, and if Huberdeau scores they can say « I said i’ll start cheering if he scores again 😏. »

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