@Bruins de Boston

C’est probablement la fin pour Lucic…

C’est une triste nouvelle en provenance de Boston aujourd’hui. Milan Lucic, qui est devenu un nom bien connu parmi les fans de la LNH, prend un congé pour une durée indéterminée des Bruins de Boston. Bien qu’il ait une réputation, l’attaquant puissant a réussi à se forger une belle carrière en jouant plus de 1 300 matchs dans la LNH. Entamant sa 16e saison cette année, il est généralement assez respecté. Du moins, c’est ce que je ressentais pour lui. Je ne l’ai peut-être pas toujours aimé, mais je l’ai respecté. Il semblerait que tard hier soir, Lucic ait été arrêté à Boston pour une dispute conjugale. À ce stade de sa carrière, c’est probablement la fin de sa carrière dans la LNH. J’en parle dans la vidéo NHL d’aujourd’hui. #hockey #nhl #faits saillants #bostonbruins


  1. He's dirty on, and apparently off, the the ice. I don't know where the respect would come from. I'd rather not have players like this on my team. Character matters.

  2. He may be a rough beast on the ice but could be a wonderful Dad to his kids. Pro athletes being the alpha males that the need to be, often marry a princess. If she wants to trade him and take half his wealth..we’ll just pick up the phone !!

  3. I vaguely recall that this has happened to him before. Sad situation. I hope all are ok and I agree with many in saying innocent until proven guilty.

  4. In Winnipeg I ate at a popular fancy steak restaurant a few time and 1 time I asked our waiter who the worst hockey player customer was and without hesitation he said Milan Lucic and Evander Kane

  5. Given all the fake reports of DV against men/pro athletes we've seen over the last decade. Until there is some solid evidence I'll hold off my judgement on this situation. All the fake BS truly takes away from real victims.
    Hope the truth, comes out soon enough.

  6. Innocent until proven guilty. You’d think everyone would’ve learned this after the Amber Turd/Johnny Depp fiasco?

  7. Lucic has always been a goon on the ice, and apparently he's a goon at home too.

  8. Whatever the case, I do feel bad for the guy because his father committed suicide a few years ago. How tf do you ever get over that?

  9. This means nothing by itself. If she was attacking him with a steak knife and he backhanded her, he'd still be charged. People judging this before a trial are fools.

  10. As a flames fan, over the year's he was here I found myself turning into a huge Looch fan. Hoping the best for him and his, here's to this being a minor speed bump and not more serious, though it looks like it could be a big deal 😮

  11. I hope the best for his family. He sounded very excited in a couple interviews when talking about playing for team Canada and joy it brought his family during that time and joining the bruins again. Hopefully everything works out for all parties health, mental health, and well-being.

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