@Capitals de Washington

Sujet d’après-match : Blue Jackets de Columbus contre les Capitals de Washington – 18 novembre 2023

2023020263 WSH gagne, 3 – 4.

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  1. FatBoySpeaks

    Refs are blind, our PK is great. What a win. Beck is the real deal.

    I’m differently clipping the VR chirp to the ref caught on hot mix “wake up”

  2. beardyman22

    What a game from LaPierre, Protas, and Milano. Also great job beating the refs tonight caps.

  3. InfallibleBackstairs

    Fuck the refs and fuck Toronto. Great win boys!!!

  4. mark_dink

    refs can suck me hard (although im hesitant to that because i dont like teethy head)

    Lappierre is fucking him. what a game for him.

    you gotta cover ovi. like how do you let that happen (ohio)

    first win streak of 4 games since december of last year

    # THE TIME IS NOW!!!!!!

    edit: that was definitely a capitals hockey game

  5. i_shud_b_studying

    1. Missed GI call
    2. Roughing on Oshie for getting shoved to the ice
    3. Offsides on Oshie
    4. No call for Oshie getting slashed in the face
    5. Holding call on TVR

    That’s what immediately comes to mind

  6. MetalMan1973

    May those refs all get eternal crotch rot

  7. FunImprovement166

    Well boys I may just crawl on top of my wife tonight!

  8. Dragunfli

    I vote to keep Lappy in and sit Kuzy. Lappy has been terrific and Kuzy has been bad.

  9. Megumi-Noda

    Great win, fuck this refs. I hope LaPierre stays in the line up and not get sent down to Hershey

  10. wolfmankal

    So who’s starting the GoFundMe for whatever ref bet his lifesavings on columbus

  11. one_true_exit

    Those refs can suck my limp dick from the back. Worst call I’ve seen in maybe years.

    Hockey is hard when you have to beat the refs *and* the other team. Let’s fucking go!!!

  12. Oreos182

    I’d lick every inch of Carbery’s bald head if he asked me to.

  13. According_Ad7558

    Cant believe this was first assist of the season for Strome. The way he plays it’s an anomaly he isn’t leading the team in assists.

  14. We are not suck! Okay maybe little suck but no suck tonight!

  15. Big_Piglet_2926

    Third line was incredibly clutch tonight – 3/4 of our goals. I really like our depth

  16. InfallibleBackstairs

    Beck is such a great player for this team. So much hustle. 💪

  17. Content-Style-8705

    R.I.P. to our 3rd like when Kuzy comes back

  18. Iguana_Iglesias

    Please get Carberry more younger players on his team. Dude can get a lot out of them

  19. bobbimorses

    I like it that the Penguins are down there and we are up here

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