@Oilers d'Edmonton

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Le fanatique des Oilers passe en revue toutes les dernières nouveautés du pays pétrolier !! #Oileurs #LetsGoOilers


  1. Just fire the current coach, hire a new coach, and expect better results………it’s all we got! Apparently having the two best player in the world get’s you last place…….who knew?

  2. This Oilers team mostly got kinda figured out by other teams, so maybe the current manager or if a new GM should make some bigger moves to add new elements to

  3. I cant see them letting Holland make any deals if they know he will be gone soon. They need to do something soon. IMO

  4. glad to see your feeling better Patrick though the play of the Oiler's didn't help.Oilers must keep their 1st rd pick this yr should be a top 3 pick right the yr of use prospects in off season buy out Cambell if you can't trade and move on.

  5. An experienced GM? I suppose…. but then Ken Holland had plenty of experience, didn't he? So did Peter Chiarelli. Experience is not a bad thing but I'll take novice and competent over experienced and bad.

    Experience can mean accumulated wisdom or it can mean your thinking is stuck in the past and you can't or won't evolve.

  6. I'm thinking about applying, I got 48 years of hockey experience. Been in a beer league for 30 years

  7. Kirkland in New Jersey would be an interesting choice and when are you and toff going back on the air waves

  8. Letting Kostin and Bjustad move on was a gm mistake as well as the goalie situation. Woody paid the price. No easy fix unfortunately

  9. The danger of keeping Holland around is he knows to much about the Oilers team business. He could easily be working for another team soon. Why have him around to see their future plans when he’s not part of the future? There’s no upside in that.

  10. Anything but Holland if I have to hear him talk about Detroit one time I’m going to lose my mind.

  11. Jim Rutherford for new GM. Kelly McCrimmon? Wishful thinking. My preference would be someone on the management team of a Cup winner. And someone who's a cap specialist. Someone who's been there and done that. No messing around with a candidate who doesn't have those qualifications on his/her resume. Kostin and Bjugstad were cap issues. Holland is the person who created that cap issue. Miss Kostin's size and toughness. Bjugstad in the face-off circle and a good third line center with size. Stick with Pickard. One game is a small sample size. Two of those goals not his fault. Just because he doesn't pitch a shutout in his first game does not mean it's all over and done for with him. Who do we have that's better anyhow? Change the coach? Change the goalie? Nothing works. What does that say about this team? This is who they are.

  12. If Oilers management thinks a new goalie will solve their problems, they are sadly mistaken. The team is flawed beyond repair. The D is abysmal. Hasek in a time machine couldn't get the Oilers into the playoffs behind that D.

  13. bench bouchard. simple. fewer unforced errors. call up another player – so sick of bouchards LAZY play

  14. Need to trade Bouchard before next season. His cap hit is friendly still. As much as he has offensive upside he blatantly costs 1-3 goals a game.

  15. huge protest at Rexall for a stanley cup goalie or fans stop going to the games until they get a goalie

  16. Absolutely Noooo on Dave Gagner. We do not want anymore old boys club members. We need new blood we have a new coach.

  17. If Dave Gagne has a lot of player development experience then HIRE Him! Our last GM’S were not even former players. Dave is and with his experience the. He will know how to draft and trade low level players for wins! Gibson would be good to look at to tandem with Skinner. If we can trade Jack to MTL and not give up the farm then let’s find a deal! Obvious include Bourgault in the deal and include McLeod at the same time. Maybe even Hamblin.

  18. Defence !! And some toughness Jesus Mathew turtle hit mcdavid and nobody did shit to him like wtf

  19. Good God no to the Gagner as GM. ..even bringing in this coach who is basically woodcraft 2.0 ….should have brought in a vet like gallant….no to the Montreal no name goalies. If anything go after John Gibson from Anaheim…even if you have to give up nugent or kane…honestly at this point they need to do whatever it takes to get a goalie and massive help on that end of the ice.

  20. And get rid of that turd Bob Nicholson as well and his stupid 25 dollar burger! The owner being Daryl Katz who just loves the old boys club is another major issue with this franchise….

  21. Most of the talk last few weeks was GOALIE PROBABLY , From what Iam Seing it’s not the goalie ….. try talking your defence .. ok let’s say you trade your goalie Go ahead trade Now your still loosing what now ? Who do you blame now ?

    Oh that was not nice of me but don't worry you'll be good in 10 years.
    Rebuild, rebuild.
    Then make a run for the cup.

  23. Your best bet to figure out how to get all-star jack campbell back. You already have him. You need to figure out what Raycroft did to him and fix it. I know if I were 950 in the playoffs and was punished anyway, I would have issues too. There is no cap on psychologists – take advantage of that. And I would play Jack as your starter because the ceiling for Jack is much higher than the others. A new coach can reset everything for Jack. Also, get a new goalie coach – like seriously, there's no evidence that he should be fired??? Get rid of him!

  24. When are the Oilers going to give Keith Gretzky the promotion he deserves? He's been with the organization for years, quietly going about his job as the GM for the Condors. This organization gives me a headache– it is so badly run.

  25. How is Gagner or Jackson part of the “old boys club”? That’s the empty phrase all the emotionally triggered are using. Seems like the complete opposite. The old guard is getting flushed out for an entirely new boys club. Change is good. Be happy you finally got your way & the old boys club is being removed.

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