@Ligue nationale de hockey

C’est embarrassant.

C’est embarrassant.



  1. A bruins player could get shot on the ice and NHL would be like “eh, he’s got a prior history”

  2. mastrochr

    What a weak response. That was a completely reckless, two-handed batter’s swing to the head. This wasn’t a slash, certainly wasn’t a hockey play; it was a Marty McSorley.

  3. There’s another angle that makes it clear he wasn’t going for the head, and Frederic pulled his arm up.

    But this absolutely still should have been 1-2 games.

  4. RangersGoalieFanClub

    There is no way that the NHL Player Safety is a real thing lol

  5. brownietownington

    Disappointing, but not surprising

  6. The league just can’t make the right decision

  7. DangerRanger_21

    Make it make sense please…. That’s a 2 handed slash to the face…

    I thought the league was actually doing alright this year with suspensions with the Anderson and McAvoy suspensions… then they only gave Mang 1 game for cross checking a guys head into the ice.. and Trouba a $5000 fine for a 2 hander to the head… guess they forgot to actually spin the wheel on the first 2 suspensions lol.

  8. Top_Tumbleweed

    TrOuBa’S nOt EvEn A dIrTy PlAyEr – some rangers fans after his last incident

  9. Nerf-h3rder

    First time Trouba has genuinely disappointed me as a Ranger fan, certainly not the first time the NHL player safety board has disappointed me, that’s a tradition

  10. DOCinLA90272

    Big Trouba fan. Throw the book at him.

  11. whopperman

    If he had some native art on his helmut or rainbow tape on his stick he probably would have gotta a 25 game suspension. Gotta keep those players safe from native art and pride. /s

  12. IdyllicOleander

    The real joke is $5,000 as a maximum for a fine lol…

    That is not a lot of money for players who pull in millions a season. Fine’s are meant to get the point across.

    On average here in the USA, people make about $14 to $20 an hour but if we get pulled over for speeding, we’re looking at what? A couple hundred dollar fine (Depending on your speed of course but that’s not the point)? That’s quite possibly a quarter of someone’s two week pay check.

    Hell, I’ll take a $10 ticket if I’m dumb enough to speed. Will that encourage a repeat offender to stop speeding? Fuck no. No wonder Marchand has 8 fucking suspensions.

  13. burtonboy1234

    bush league decision by a bush league

  14. Tamatajuice

    What the hell is going on in the NHL?!?! Can they not get anything freakin right?!?! With “player safety”, Flower’s mask, pride tape et al, it seems like they really just have their heads up their collective asses!!

  15. A lot of people commenting here maybe haven’t played competitive hockey. A stick is long and sometimes when you’re locked up , it’s a little unwieldy. I would’ve been comfortable with a suspension , but Trouba isn’t a dirty player. His signature is hard, clean hits. Anyone comparing him to Mcsorley had angel dust for dinner

  16. yeah something gotta change with the NHL or it’s going to die out

  17. Away-Answer-

    Why does NHL player safety exist if it doesn’t actually do anything useful?

  18. readytogohomenow

    Yeah that’s BS. I don’t even like Boston, but when you deliberately high stick someone to the head you should be forced to sit and think about what you did for longer than five minutes.

  19. Spyder726

    00.0625% of his salary. Punishment absolutely fits the crime/s

    So for us common people. If you make 100k that’s a $62.50 ticket

  20. Vinny331

    I think they’ve gotta increase the maximum allowable fine in the next CBA. This is silly

  21. MagniPlays

    Not trying to be THAT guy but everyone acting like this was unexpected or surprising needs to chill out

    Every single professional sports league is like this, small maximum fines and barely any suspension. This isn’t gonna kill the league

    It’s just how it goes in professional sports

  22. Hyperocean

    I think the union should take some leadership on some of these malicious events. What’s a $5000 fine gonna accomplish when some knuckle dragger ends a top 5 player’s career way too early..? Everyone will suffer..

  23. an0rak343

    He broke rule number one, never use your stick as a weapon and gets this? Gimme a break, try adding a few more zeroes on that fine.

  24. mschach88

    The department of player safety has taken into account the fact that this is the first time Trouba has attempted to decapitate a player with his stick. His previous offenses have been due to elbow/shoulder infractions. Player safety is our highest priority, and we applaud Jacob for using his flimsy stick as a weapon instead of a dirty hit to the head.

  25. There’s no way they spin the same wheel for Trouba

  26. ambassador321

    It’s gonna cost Fleury more for wearing that mask in practice. Shameful.

  27. He as a C, equally embarrassing. This guy is a liability.

  28. I didn’t see the game, was it that egregious?

  29. andrewb610

    Can we trade for Tom Wilson now and send him out for the next game against the Rangers? Asking for a Frederic.

  30. jjbjeff22

    Should have been a 2 game suspension. Trouba also should have got a match penalty, but as far as I can see from the match report he wasn’t even penalized at all.

  31. Calling__Elvis

    This brings me back to the McSorley hit on Brashear. Outcome was different, but intent wasn’t. Trouba is a dangerous person. Now it’s clear even to a blind person. Full stop.

  32. This was like 2/3 of the way to McSorley and they hit him for $5k of the $97,560 he got paid for the game it happened in. Perfect system, great job NHL.

  33. CryptographerThen389

    If I’m Rangers coach I’m stripping him of the C

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