@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Matthew Tkachuk n’arrivait pas à croire ce que son frère avait fait ici…

Brady Tkachuk a causé un chaos absolu dans le match d’aujourd’hui entre les Sénateurs d’Ottawa et les Panthers de la Floride alors qu’une mêlée a conduit 13 joueurs à commettre des fautes et Matthew Tkachuk était assis près du banc des pénalités et a regardé cela se produire avec incrédulité. Twitter : https://twitter.com/DeanerHd


  1. Matt would definitely be in the mix, probably going off on someone else though

  2. The refs 100000% brought this upon themselves with the brutal onside goal call.

    This is an absolutely perfect example of how not to manage a game. I speak as both a ref, and as someone who was at the game in person. I've never heard so much booing in my life.

  3. There is a rule that the two Tkachuk brothers are not allowed to fight each other. The rule was instated by their mom.

  4. They should’ve just let Tkachuk and Gadjovich go. Would’ve been a better outcome for all parties involved probably wouldn’t have needed to eject the entire ice😂

  5. Can't stand either of the brothers, they're just like their father – goons to the core. Yes, talent is there, but they drag the game around them into the toilet with their stupidity.

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