@Flyers de Philadelphie

28/11 PHI contre CAR Après-match : John Tortorella

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef des Flyers, John Tortorella, après une défaite de 4-1 contre les Hurricanes.


  1. Rough game against a cup contender, all I can say is take this L and move on and don't let it repeat, the entire team needs to play the full 60. (Not a coach just a fan)

  2. For the love of god get him outa here once he threw out brink frost deslaurier Danny shoulda walked down and grabbed him off the bench

  3. Canes fan had to comment on the interaction with Torts and the kid. It was great. Big fan of your team for doing that.

  4. That's alright coach. We're doing a lot better now than we were last season. We're where we need to be.

  5. interesting time in the season that right after the holiday many of the teams listed in top 5 are playing their worst hockey at the moment, Boston, Rangers, Vegas, all losing on the same day and the Sharks beating the Caps, Dallas losing.. So, its interesting that the description here of FLAT is exactly how the Rangers looked against Buffalo.. And no matter how much coaching, trying to keep an even keel, how is it that an entire lineup seems to lose its energy and then later get it back.. because no matter what a coach may try, a team is going to play flat and there seems to be nothing you can really do about it.

  6. Same ole shit flyers aee not a cup contender and in my 40 years of waiting for it to come will never happen disgusted once again with this team

  7. It was so great of the organization and/or the league to have Owen on the bench during the first period. You could see how much Torts enjoyed having him there – never seen him smile that much during a game (especially since he's been our coach). Tip helping him with the names when he was reading the lineup in the locker room was just fantastic to watch. It looked like Owen was having a blast – too bad we couldn't get him a win. And too bad he wasn't out there playing – kid has a helluva shot!

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