**Mercredi 22 novembre – mardi 28 novembre** ###Top vidéos | score | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 290 | [18 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/181rnok/and_the_save_of_the_game_goes_to_that_linesman/) | `[Video]` [And the save of the game goes to that linesman](https://v.redd.it/326l81nlm02c1)| | 161 | [19 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1862o0t/mackenzie_weegars_overtime_winner_with_titanic/) | [Mackenzie Weegar’s overtime winner with Titanic music just hits right](https://v.redd.it/fxbuq58er43c1)| | 140 | [9 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1841cd9/sportsnet_ahead_of_tonights_game_the_avalanche/) | `[Video]` [[Sportsnet] Ahead of tonight’s game the Avalanche honoured Chris Snow.](https://v.redd.it/en0dpatq1m2c1)| | 116 | [6 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/183b662/flames_win_right_on_right_on_right_on/) | [Flames Win? Right on, right on, right on ](https://v.redd.it/b1u1a2jn5f2c1)| | 86 | [52 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1824v9d/im_out_man_yeahme_too/) | `[Shitpost]` [« I’m out man…. » « Yeah….me too »](https://streamable.com/ntven1)| | 78 | [8 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/182ekri/refs_quick_reflex_prevents_brain_damage_rall/) | [Ref’s quick reflex prevents brain damage (r/all)](https://v.redd.it/f8pkcvqkv12c1)| | 56 | [17 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1862l2j/hockey_stars_in_cars_mackenzie_weegar/) | `[Video]` [Hockey Stars in Cars – Mackenzie Weegar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJ5UT1BlWhk)| ###Commentaires sur le fil de discussion du jeu | score | commentaire | |–|–| | 79 | /u/JayTalk a dit [Flames deserve to lose that one. Basically just 60 consecutive minutes of Markstrom getting shelled.](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/181thvm/post_game_thread_calgary_flames_at_nashville/kaehrrq/?context=5) | | 63 | /u/AbstractDavinci a dit [Classic Trashville playing « All I Do Is Win » post-game while they sit 26th in the league.](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/181thvm/post_game_thread_calgary_flames_at_nashville/kaehwnb/?context=5) | | 46 | /u/Maclammy a dit [Not saying we we’re good enough to win, but that 3rd Nashville goal shouldn’t have counted, lol.](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/181thvm/post_game_thread_calgary_flames_at_nashville/kaehrkp/?context=5) | | 41 | /u/byrdcage a dit [Yegor’s goal was a beaut. I hope we keep him around](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/181thvm/post_game_thread_calgary_flames_at_nashville/kaeikr0/?context=5) | | 40 | /u/zoziw a dit [The Flames were murdered tonight I accuse: Col. Mustard With the blind ref In the arena](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/181thvm/post_game_thread_calgary_flames_at_nashville/kaehrhf/?context=5) | | 39 | /u/Comfortable-Ad-7158 a dit [Came for a hockey game Got a handball game instead.](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/181thvm/post_game_thread_calgary_flames_at_nashville/kaehw0r/?context=5) | | 36 | /u/FatLouieXVI a dit [The boys did not show up ready to play. Every single one of them was sluggish at puck drop. Giveaways were way to high this game. Was hoping for a better game against Nashville. The weegs stick toss …](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/181thvm/post_game_thread_calgary_flames_at_nashville/kaehywn/?context=5) | | 30 | /u/korthaal a dit [If I was a flames player after that third period hand ball, next play I woulda just picked up the puck skated through all the whistles and thrown it into the Pred’s net. That along with 10 million o…](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/181thvm/post_game_thread_calgary_flames_at_nashville/kaej67e/?context=5) | | 28 | /u/crimdawgg a dit [Well we got shafted pretty hard but at least Edmonton lost again lol](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/181thvm/post_game_thread_calgary_flames_at_nashville/kaeimec/?context=5) | | 27 | /u/RoyMunsun a dit [We didn’t deserve the win. But we were close… until they changed the rules mid game making it 3-1. Then we were completely deflated.](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/181thvm/post_game_thread_calgary_flames_at_nashville/kaehygg/?context=5) | ###Meilleurs messages non merdiques | score | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 246 | [64 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/182tal4/no_matter_how_poorly_we_do_how_often_we_lose_and/) | `[Jerseys]« Peu importe nos mauvais résultats, la fréquence à laquelle nous perdons et peu importe si nous ne qualifions pas les séries éliminatoires, je ne jetterai jamais mon maillot sur la glace. Et j’espère que nous partageons tous ce sentiment.| | 210 | [26 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/183bb9u/500/) | [.500](https://i.redd.it/59x6zem27f2c1.png)| | 192 | [34 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1832nrn/pospi_is_here_to_stay/) | [Pospi is Here to Stay!](https://i.redd.it/2azi6jp66d2c1.jpg)| | 180 | [15 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/183q13f/kelsie_snow_when_the_avalanche_told_us_they/) | [[Kelsie Snow] When the Avalanche told us they wanted to honor Chris at tonight’s game against the Flames in Denver we were so grateful. When they asked us if we would be their guests, well, you can see the look on these two faces.](https://x.com/kelsieswrites/status/1728431181404749857?s=46&t=Y_KXHBgeHwLgY9UkD4KA1A)| | 177 | [7 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/18416uy/pure_class_from_the_avalanche_organization/) | `[Discussion]` Pure Class de l’organisation Avalanche| | 175 | [20 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/183s7yb/theyre_real_and_theyre_spectacular/) | [They’re real and they’re spectacular](https://i.redd.it/fb0rg0c0wj2c1.jpg)| | 170 | [29 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/182j0ky/the_coleman_family_hosted_the_calgary_flames_for/) | [The Coleman family hosted the Calgary Flames for US Thanksgiving out at their home in Texas (via Blake Coleman’s IG story)](https://x.com/fifthhaven_/status/1727899285583466833?s=46)| | 166 | [28 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1859t0l/pelletier_and_rooney_back_skating/) | [Pelletier and Rooney back skating!](https://i.redd.it/dksumli6ox2c1.png)| | 140 | [16 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/182zxf1/everytime_it_makes_me_laugh/) | [Everytime it makes me laugh.](https://i.redd.it/kg1x1wyhkc2c1.jpeg)| | 120 | [17 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/181qwyp/the_best_physical_representation_of_the_oilers/) | [The best physical representation of the Oilers I’ve seen in a while](https://i.redd.it/02vfkitsf02c1.png)| ###Meilleurs messages de merde | score | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 183 | [4 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/185oh42/daniel_motherfucking_vladar/) | `[Shitpost]` [Daniel Motherfucking Vladar](https://i.redd.it/jm5h0xq9x03c1.jpg)| | 138 | [16 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/185qe7o/all_hail_rick_ball/) | `[Shitpost]` [All hail Rick Ball](https://i.redd.it/pz2a24acj13c1.jpg)| | 135 | [12 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/185osbn/a_heavy_price/) | `[Shitpost]` [A Heavy Price](https://i.redd.it/mhbtxmkm013c1.jpeg)| | 119 | [10 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/185z6d8/the_man_the_myth_the_legend/) | `[Shitpost]` [The man, the MYTH, THE LEGEND!](https://i.imgur.com/qn8n7EM.jpg)| | 118 | [26 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/185omxv/were_in_a_fucking_playoff_spot/) | `[Shitpost]` Nous sommes dans une putain de place en séries éliminatoires | | 117 | [4 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/185oeib/bottom_text/) | `[Shitpost]` [bottom text](https://i.redd.it/up4v4u9iw03c1.jpeg)| | 109 | [7 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/185oynh/elite_ot_sniper_weegar_joins_the_ranks/) | `[Shitpost]` [Elite OT Sniper Weegar Joins the Ranks](https://i.redd.it/rsz5mvyk213c1.jpeg)| | 85 | [11 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/183bivp/zary_keeps_on_making_his_calder_case/) | `[Shitpost]` [Zary keeps on making his Calder case](https://i.redd.it/pj9tvzub9f2c1.jpeg)| | 73 | [14 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/18305ss/with_oettinger_in_net_tonight_this_was_the_peak/) | `[Shitpost]` [With Oettinger in net tonight: This was the peak of the Tkachuk, Gaudreau and Monahan Era for the Calgary Flames](https://x.com/fifthhaven_/status/1728135526799274259?s=46)| | 55 | [17 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1829944/the_wreck_of_the_edmonton_oilers_shamelessly/) | `[Shitpost]« L’épave des Oilers d’Edmonton « soulevée sans vergogne de CalgaryPuck » |
1 Comment
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