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Daily Shot of Steelers de DK : Oh, attendez

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  1. The Pittsburgh OC job is and should be one of the most sought after jobs in the NFL. With this talent and the defense along with the history of this team the best and brightest should be beating down the door.

  2. Can't compare burns to porter jr. Artie burns never got close to a wr to hold lol. I remember when we drafted him I knew he wasn't it. I asked some miami fans I knew and they said you drafted who…..

  3. Never forget that Mike Tomlin supported Matt Canada for 60% of this season. So who is to blame for where we are today? Mike Tomlin, of course! The over the top optimism concerning the offense is unwarranted. The offense needs to be tested further against good defenses. The Steelers still have the drama queen, Mike Tomlin to keep them from success in the playoffs. His dysfunctional and emotional coaching style will continue to create chaos in the locker room. Also on that point, the Steelers should be getting close to an emotional burn out from Mike Tomlin's continual use of emotional energy to motivate his team. Expect a dud Steeler performance any time now.

  4. Can it get better?, When you are close to the very bottom , no place to go but up or getting better. What prevented Sullivan from improving Kenny when Canada was still the coordinator? Nothing! And Dan, Of course a more intense (more communication) total meeting will happen when an O coordinator is fired. A new acting coordinator better bring everyone together and set expectations. Duh!

  5. I noticed way more open receivers that Kenny could have thrown to in this game. We played a weak losing team (Cinci) and a more weak team this Sunday (Arizona). Then, another weak team (New England). We are using Canada's Playbook, Execution is the key to a play. The play is only as strong to the weakest link. I hope we are playing for the division title on the last game of the season with the Ravens. That will say a lot about Kenny and the total team.

  6. 7-4 despite the terrible offense. As Boz said, it wasn't because of you, to Canada. The Steelers actually extended Canada in January. Remember he signed initially as QB coach, two years of OC, his 3 yr contract ran out but the organization decided to keep him for a 4th year 😢 Tomlin has guys around the league begging to play for him, don't think hes losing the locker room as many suggest. Positivity not negativity please 😂

  7. OK, again. Want to emphasize this again. All of this was happening under Tomlin’s watch. All of it. The coordinator didn’t communicate with his own players and coaches. Locked himself away, created a culture where no one communicated and a head coach does nothing about it. Nothing for almost three years. After elevating him to coordinator in the first place with absolutely nothing on his résumé to justify it. Mike Tomlin will forget more about football this week than I will learn in a lifetime and even I knew Canada was a horrible choice. More than that, it wasn’t just a lucky guess, most of the fans knew it was a terrible choice. Then it was a terrible choice to bring him back. Then, they didn’t again! No excuse. None. I hope Tomlin is here to win another Super Bowl but if he gets fired tomorrow I won’t be sad about it at all. I still think he has the potential to be a great coach again, but his performance has been drastically terrible for about six or seven years now. He needs to get his shit together or get out. Enough of this. No more hiring the next guy down the hall bullshit. I’m done with that.

  8. Wow, I didn’t know it was this bad behind the scenes with MC. That’s like working for a manager who barely talks to their staff and gives little guidance and then they expect the world from them. They develop a weak connection with the staff and nobody wants to work hard for a manager (OC) like that. The offensive was like “Don’t come asking me to work overtime if you’re in a jam buddy.”

  9. One game at time. The upcoming schedule should be our advantage. But I respect all these teams despite their record. The colts game will be like a playoff game 4 sure

  10. I ain’t tripping about style points. I just want the win Sunday. If the offense puts up 30 then it will be a pleasant surprise. Great show DK.

  11. The more that eeks out about how Canada ran the offense and his complete and utter incompetence just makes me question how Coach Tomlin let this go on for years and years without putting a stop to it. He was either ignorant of the issues or complicit with it, either way is a terrible look. I don't know how he gets a free pass (DK nonwithstanding) on this.

  12. You are saying that Tomlin was unaware of the deficiency in team communication or he was and finally decided to act.
    Neither scenario is an endorsement of his leadership.

  13. I really think we not losing another game this season just cause nobody sees this offense coming, you mark my words we about to take off, the league in trouble, here we goooooooo

  14. Thankfully this is happening now and not near the end of the season because it gives the Steelers offense time (6 games) to come up with an identity, a personality, a style, so that they are ready for the playoffs.

  15. I’d like to get your thoughts on something. Do you think if the offense finds success through to and throughout the postseason that this two headed OC (Faulk and Sully) situation should be explored and experimented with further?

  16. My head isn’t in the clouds but not in the sand either. Was there improvement? Hell yes. Are there still issues? Hell yes. BUT….. you can’t expect dramatic changes when you have a coaching change mid season. Too many moving parts. However, if they make tweaks that work, and keep making them, the team will improve. Baby steps. Every week will be a new test, think preseason while in-season. If they avoid whammy’s and control the ball and the clock with the offense on the field more than the opposition they will be fine.

  17. JPJ is going to live and die by his physicality. But to a degree i think the refs will let him play against physical WRs. I cant remember the last time i saw OPI called on a WR for pushing off at the top of his route but it happens every single play now. If the league is going to let receivers play bully ball and stiff arm coverage like that then they have to let corners counter with their own physicality. Even in an offensive league you can’t let WRs push people all over the field and tell the corners they can’t touch them past 5 yards. If somebody is running away and gets held, thats a penalty, but these holding calls that result directly from the corner getting stiff armed into oblivion at the top of the route is just not fair. If the wr can push off like that the corner should be allowed to hold to a certain degree as well

  18. So this is the Pittsburgh Steelers organization, these are professional coaches and players, and they all kept quiet about this lack of communication,lack of detail, lack if discipline!!! That’s the main problem there. How was it allowed to go on so long?

  19. I think the offense is gonna get better and better and better, at the right time too. Good to be hitting our stride at this time of year. We can salvage the playbook and go on a run here. This team CAN beat anybody.

  20. Hard to temper your enthusiasm regarding this rookie class, I mean it’s not 74 but it’s looking like the best the Steelers have had in a very longtime. Just an observation but I think coach T really likes Kenny. Comments to support that are prominent. Kenny has been tough as nails and handled the situation with Canada with poise and class despite being blamed for this offense’s shortcomings when clearly it wasn’t his fault..Kenny is a class act.

  21. But dk what happen!!!!??? Im confused. Kenny did all this that happen in the Cincy game last season. Like nothing looked better nothing looked like an improvement. Im confused your given hot takes. Nothing kenny did wasnt expected honestly he was what he was last year this year. I did like the hot take on the rookies but kenny ill pass. We need to place him at qb2 mitch at qb3 and open up the qb1 slot during the summer good podcast see you later with mon

  22. To validate what your saying about communication; remember what Eddie Faulkner said a week ago, we need to play FAST. It was obvious that when they stepped up to the line of scrimmage, there was anywhere between 14-16 seconds on the clock on average…no more running up to the line rushing to get a play off with no time to set and adjust. They were ready and prepared to look at the defense and audible if where necessary. Good communication, good preparation.

  23. Dk please spare me the BS..16 points against a crappy bengals defense?..They get killed if Burrow played..
    Bottom line, this is not a good team and even a worst QB.

  24. Very possible that we win out.
    Execution is key ! Not really worried about the playoffs, till we get there. Raise some hell Steelers !!!

  25. Was Tomlin not aware of the lack of communication between Canada and the offensive staff which basically prevented them from contributing anything to the offensive game plan? Seems like negligence on Tomlin's part.

  26. Don't forget that 74 draft class also included a 5th HoFer. Donnie Shell was an undrafted free agent that year

  27. Let’s not forget that Arizona has nothing to lose. Without a doubt, the Steelers should win handily. But if they get complacent, Sunday’s game will be more interesting than it needs to be. Our team just needs to stay focused and not get all hyped up. Just take care of business and don’t overlook the lighter teams.

  28. Listening to broderick answer some interview questions and im struck by how thoughtful and present he is. I can’t help but think these are little things that contribute to a franchise player. Excited have to have around

  29. Hey DK could it possibly be that Canadian Bacon was quite capable of designing plays but just incapable of calling them with any sort of flow to a game? Thanks for your insight

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