@Devils du New Jersey

Je vais avoir besoin d’un plus gros bateau – Sharks 6, Devils 3

C’était une perte inacceptable. Ce sont des équipes qu’il faut absolument battre. Il n’y a aucune raison pour laquelle nous aurions dû perdre ce soir. J’entre également dans le département de la sécurité des joueurs dans cette vidéo.



  1. ozzman86_i-i_

    what happened to all those blindly optimistic fans telling us that all our troubles would go away once we got nico and Jack back? learn the game, this team is playing the worst defensive hockey I have ever seen a team play with this much talent.

    we allowed a team with 5 wins of which 0 have come on the road, breakaways, and odd man rushes, which all led to goals tonight.

    we can’t mark players defensively. We are constantly turning it over in the neutral zone, which is leading to the odd man rushes. defenseman is not doing a good job protecting to puck on the blue line in the offensive zone. We have a horrible forecheck. do I go on?

    IDC if lindy just got a new contract, clearly it was a mistake and unfortunately he has to go. he hasn’t been able to fix these issues, so we must bring someone else who can or welcome our reality. we are not a playoff team, and we aren’t ready to compete.

  2. nostradamefrus

    Still midway through the video but I love your point about Timo on the first goal. Extending his stick a few feet behind MacDonald going « yup this is the best I can do » is un-fucking-acceptable

  3. Mapleinmyblood

    Can we get rid of the ugly retro jerseys

  4. Kornja81

    Gonna need a better goalie and better coach

  5. Chico-_-

    this was a must-win, but if you think its on anyone but the goalie you’re just wrong

  6. luzer_kidd

    Grow the F up. Yes, it’s frustrating to lose a game like this, but a few years ago when we were one of the worst teams in the league (might be the year that got us the Nemec pick) we swept the Bruins (3 games) in the regular season. When they were one of the best teams. Hockey is more unpredictable than any other sport. And yes we all thought this should have been a win. But this is the type of game you lose.

  7. thewetnoodle

    Remember the hockey guy’s take a little while ago that we’d win against bad teams. The problem with him is he really only understands Vancouver and Boston in depth. If you really pay attention to devils game you know we need some work

  8. AvantGardener27

    This should be the game that definitely has this team burning the black jerseys for good

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