@Canadiens de Montréal

[Emrith] Nick Suzuki : « Il nous arrive sans cesse de devoir revenir dans les matchs – ce n’est pas là que nous voulons être. Nous avons eu une très mauvaise première période et cela ne peut certainement pas arriver ; nous continuons à nous creuser des trous… « 

[Emrith] Nick Suzuki : « Il nous arrive sans cesse de devoir revenir dans les matchs – ce n’est pas là que nous voulons être. Nous avons eu une très mauvaise première période et cela ne peut certainement pas arriver ; nous continuons à nous creuser des trous… « 



  1. Longshanks123

    We’re getting killed in first periods all season long. I don’t think it’s lack of effort or anything, all teams come out hard in the first, and there is a big talent gap between us and most teams. Add to that that this is a pretty inexperienced defence corps.

  2. lyme6483

    They just seem to have bad period every game. Very few complete games. You can point to rebuilding or whatever, but there are still way too many truly awful period IMO.

  3. 2sexy4thish8

    They played a very good team and scored 4 goals to push them to overtime. Yes the defense was rough but we finally had a game where we capitalized on our opportunities. We have to remember how many of our defenseman are currently injured and on top of that dach and newhook are out. On the positive side Evans did a great job at clearing the puck on the penalty kill which he has done so with little credit this year.

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