@Sabres de Buffalo

Le jeu incohérent des Sabres se poursuit en Caroline – Réflexions d’après-match

Les garçons ont été trop faciles dans celui-ci ce soir alors qu’ils se font encore marquer 6 fois… alors qu’est-ce qui vient ensuite ?? pensées et préoccupations dans cette vidéo..merci d’avoir regardé 🦬 **Communauté Discord sur ce lien 🦬 : https://discord.gg/DcRqQFN5nV ** ‘Khatchaturian Saber Dance’ a été sous licence et achetée auprès d’Audio Micro (Licence #U269T3409)


  1. The problem is far more than the goaltending. A team of small fast guys is not a winning team. Where's the beef? Where's the grit?

  2. The aspect of this team that sticks out to me, and this goes back to late in the preseason, is that they aren’t prepared to play. It’s more than toughness, more than goaltending, more than the bad defense. Just flat out not prepared, not organized, not playing as a team. I hate this team this season.

  3. By no means am I an expert, but even to my trained eye, I could see how much trouble the Sabres had clearing the puck from their defensive zone and establishing a steady presence (or any at all) in the offensive zone. Also, the team plays soft as Charmin, there’s no hint of nastiness and roughness to the guys.

  4. I honestly believe Adams is ok where we're at, that this year is all about Levi and his development. Sucks for us fans!

  5. Spot on take on UPL Wayne. If he has indeed, turned a corner like were all hoping, put him in the net and see what you have going on here!

  6. Clifton throws the kind of hits that will bring retaliatory hits from whoever we're playing. I'll bet half our guys hate that…

  7. Does granato finish the year? That's my biggest question. I like the guy but man he's been awful this year. We are on the verge of this season being lost. I must admit I'm very disappointed. I had much higher expectations, but at least we are looking at ANOTHER top 10 pick…. Wooo

  8. Adams is sitting on a stockpile of talent. A more experienced GM would 've done something by now. 1/4 of the way into it and slowly but surely, fading away.

  9. I don’t care to watch the games anymore ! It’s Sad 😞 What has happened ? Thompson can’t play every shift when he’s back !! How about taking the Captaincy away from Okposo and giving it to Dahlin or Tuch ? Make some kind of a move if your not going to do anything with your Coaching staff ! Grow a set of Balls Adams!!!! Enough of doing nothing. If i were the Pegula’s i would be calling for a meeting and start telling the GM and coach this is not going to go on Much longer if Something doesn’t change by the New yr. Maybe Granato needs to be the Amerks Coach and Develop the players there ? We need a Coach with Experience in this organization. A GM with Experience. Idk Anymore with this organization’s direction and leadership.

  10. The Buffalo media puts zero pressure on the GM and coach, they refuse to ask any tough questions, I would walk up and ask Cozens and Power why they never hit, are they the new soft type of players?

  11. THG says if Buffalo loses to Nashville he will put them in the bottom row of his power rankings next week. Not sure why they aren't there already!!

  12. Funny how inconsistent the effort is, eh? Lose, its the goalie. Win, it's the players. Lose, it's the goalie. Win, it's the players. It's NOT the coaching, right? 😉

  13. This all sounds so familiar, like I said this all along. Think I was told I was negative and it was too early to worry to worry.

  14. I’m not going to take a total dump on UPL. I’m just getting so tired of whatever Granato’s system is teaching.

    1) I’m so tired of them getting the puck in their own zone and having no idea what to do with it. Flat footed and unsure of where to pass. They look AWFUL in transition.

    2) This parameter passing crap is awful. Why are we not sending Dahlin & Power to the net more? I’m so sick of watching other teams drive to the net.

    3) my third point is lethality. These other teams go to the net and act with a killer instinct. We don’t have that. I’m so sick of just passing and coughing the puck up because we can’t pass and giving up odd man rushes.

  15. Get use to this up and down performance until they get a new coach who will instill mental toughness.

  16. 1. Poor coaching. ( no emotions)
    2. No defense.
    3. Aveage goalies.
    4. No team defense.
    5. No one stands in front of the net, all the play is on the outside.

    This is the formula for not making the playoffs.

  17. Cozens has zero hits in the last 6 games! Owen Power 11 hits in 23 games, these guys are a disgrace to Canadian hockey! Soft as mink fur! They probably both have skinny jeans, elf boots and man purses like Toronto males.

  18. Every Sabres fan needs to listen to Dylan Cozens interview after last nights game, he says they are soft and not tough enough. No kidding, its been like this for years now!
    Id like to add…the team D is BRUTAL , D coach Marty Wilford needs to go and so does Granato because he doesnt hold the players accountable and he is coddling the players too much! A developmental coach like Granato should be an assistant coach not a head coach . This team needs a veteran hardass coach like Gerald Gallant Bruce Boudreau or Joel Quenville, if Bettman ever allows him to coach in the NHL again . If they go winless this week against Nashville, Detroit, Boston and Montreal then its time to get rid of Granato to try and save the season!
    100% agree with what you said tonight Wayne ! Hope you feel better soon!

  19. Man ,we sucked but I'm so used to it,I thought Adams is smart but maybe there just a cheap generic hockey team,look at Detroit, Yzerman is no Einstein, Cozens hasn't been up 2 par ,Olie nah,Krebbs,,and then we have theese new guys who are they besides Brnson man we just suck so used to Buffalo b.s.sports ,the peeps of western ny.,deserve a real hockey team so hard to watch this crap ,the only hope I have is Quinn comes back that extra gear changes this dismall season Seriously Detroit has the right to call their city hockey town what is Buffalo I mean we have hockey town fans that have showed up to watch this crap ,imagine the fans if we could feel proud of our team it be hockey heaven just to make a playoff run ,it's never gonna happen,junk straight junk that was

  20. I know everyone is mad again but I am glad this is happening now.
    Kevyn Adams in last three years made sure that the word " culture " got imprinted in all of our brains and I just want to see how they respond as a whole group.
    They don't have a safety cushion to lean on anymore and expectations are higher this year.
    This is another lesson for this team and I am just excited to see how they respond.

  21. Wayne, I told you Detroit was gonna be in the playoffs. If we had yzerman as our gm, we would not be in this position.

  22. I have not seen the expected progression this season like we've seen the past few seasons since Granato took over. I am starting to get fed up with Granato's seemingly lack of emotion or drive to get the team to push back. Cozens called the team soft in the post-game and he's right. The lack of toughness (and not just the hitting) is a function of Granato's lackadaisical system…Granato does seem to be no more than a prospect developer and not a real head coach that can push their team to the next level. Last year the Sabres caught the league off-guard with their offense, but the league has clearly figured out how to slow it down and Granato has zero answers or adjustments… Time to make a change while there is still time left to save the season. Still a lot of games left.

  23. lack of difference makers is apparent.. that is how you make sure points are trickling in.. panarin, mckinnon, mcdavid, draisaitl, matthews, nylander, tkachuks.. those kind of players. they should trade for Laine, he has been awful recently, but put him in a position to score, and he will. they need natural goal scorers.

  24. A goalie isn’t going to fix the fact that they are a soft team, no heart on a game to game basis.. They need a coach that will demand full effort from all players all the time. They get pushed they fall apart… Pick a goalie and stick with that one until they need a rest…

  25. After Cozens comments last night I think Granato has lost the room. He needs to go. Find a guy who’s gonna light a fire under these guys.

  26. Do we need a veteran goalie? Yes. But that doesn't excuse the poor defensive play and coaching. There has been multiple goals per night where our defense should clear the other player who's standing right in front of our goalie and doesn't even touch them and then they score because of the screen or they end up touching the puck

  27. Yes I agree coaching calls have been terrible. A good team who wants to win plays the goalie who is hot even if it's back to back. I remember back in the day they would play Ryan Miller back to back games and he would be getting shutouts after shutouts

  28. Yes, team is so soft. Unfortunately Alex tuch is one of the softest players I've ever seen. And yes I've noticed players around the league getting upset over clean hits.. annoying

  29. This pattern is getting old…bunch of stinkers in a row, then a surprise effort where they look like world beaters, then they just don't show up for another 2-3 games. In my opinion this is 100% on Granato and the teams lack of leadership in general. This team has the talent to win, they just don't have the will to do what it takes every single game.

  30. I have not been sold on this group of players as well as the GM for quite awhile. The players are no longer hungry as most got their payouts. Even Dahlin has regressed over last year, he is decent but needs to be dominant. The GM had plenty of opportunities to get a veteran decent goalie and he put all his eggs in one basket in a super young unproven Levi. I called him out for that and more. Same with the Dmen that were available. He went for Clifford. I called him out for that then too. A no discipline coach on top of it all makes it a recipe for the same old same old.

  31. We have Stubborn SOB GMs in this town. A little success goes straight to their heads. The Smartest guys in the room complex, I call it. Nothing of substance ever changes. Don't get started on the coaching around here ! Could write a Joke Book about that ! A football team with record playoff failures. Now a Hockey Team in a Record Playoff Drought. Coincidence ?, I think NOT ! p.s. You are wasting your time complaining about the GT !! Don't bother !!

  32. Lack of urgency, aggression & a killer instinct with scoring are the 3 missing things up front with the Sabres. Goaltending needs to be addressed to give some stability in net & the Sabres might be better off served getting 2 different new goalies. It wouldn't hurt swapping out Appert for Granato either.

  33. Looking way more poised to go on a 5 game losing streak than a 5 game winning streak. I don't want to hear the BS that we would have made the playoffs if Quinn and Thompson weren't hurt. This current regime looks highly exposed while making quick, curt comments after each loss and continues to stand pat and smile.

  34. Enough bringing up soft skilled players from Rochester. Bring up Brett Murray to beef up the Sabres physical presence

  35. GMKA did absolutely nothing in the summer, and the sabres are reaping the consequence of his inaction.
    Paired with whatever Donny is doing, we're on a trajectory heading straight down.

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