@Ducks d'Anaheim

J’en ai marre de ça…

J’en ai marre de ça. Les Ducks n’ont désormais mené qu’après le 1er, lors de 5 de leurs 19 matchs. Nous devons apprendre à démarrer le jeu à temps. Les retours ont été excitants et amusants à regarder, mais maintenant j’en ai marre. Je récapitule le match Anaheim Ducks vs Montréal Canadiens dans cette vidéo ! Discord- https://discord.gg/AFGr66ATq4 Si vous avez aimé ce que vous avez vu, assurez-vous d’appuyer sur ce bouton d’abonnement ! https://www.youtube.com/@duckmylife?sub_confirmation=1 Lien vers tout – https://linktr.ee/duckmylife Suivez nos réseaux sociaux ! TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@duckmylife_yt Insta : https://www.instagram.com/duckmylife_yt/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/duckmylife_yt Achetez des produits dérivés DML – https://duck-my -life-shop.fourthwall.com/ Faites un don ici ! https://streamelements.com/duckmylife/tip Découvrez nos autres chaînes ! Chaîne de jeux : https://www.youtube.com/@dmlgaming_yt Chaîne de vie : https://www.youtube.com/@itsthewoods *Avis de non-responsabilité en matière de droits d’auteur En vertu de l’article 107 de la loi sur le droit d’auteur de 1976, une autorisation est accordée pour une « utilisation équitable ». à des fins telles que la critique, les commentaires, les reportages, l’enseignement, l’érudition et la recherche. L’utilisation équitable est une utilisation autorisée par la loi sur le droit d’auteur qui pourrait autrement constituer une violation. L’utilisation à but non lucratif, éducative ou personnelle fait pencher la balance en faveur d’une utilisation équitable. Aucune violation du droit d’auteur n’est prévue. TOUS LES DROITS APPARTIENNENT À LEURS PROPRIÉTAIRES RESPECTIFS*


  1. Painful to drop that one, I fully believed we would win. Smelling salts, different warmup playlists, pregame skydiving, I don't know what it is going to take

  2. Zegras has been available for whatever reason they’re not using him, and it would be great to have Jamie Drysdale in the lineup. I think Killorn was a bad pick up, especially for the monster contract he received. I like Gudas but you’re right it is getting old too many turnovers and too many penalties. But they weren’t expected to be where their at anyway.

  3. first real season i watch the NHL, knew i was gonna cheer for the sabres but decided to pick a 2nd team because im not watching EVERY game i can every single day but i also need more than 1 game ever 2-3 days so i picked the ducks….. game 1 against the pens i don't know if it was just because of how bad the calls were going but i have never had a reaction like that to a goal in my entire life so it seems like the ducks may have taken priority over the sabres for me? this channel definently helped make that a thing if thats the case so good job!

    im currently in a state of depression after what happened yesterday for both of my teams but hey, atleast…… atleast……… shit there's no silver lining

  4. As CrazyDuck4u stated on HFBoards "We forget this team was dead last in the NHL a year ago. That winning streak kind of gave us hope. But realistically. They were coming back in games they had no business winning as well. And now the rookies are making mistakes.. It's frustrating for sure.."
    I agree with this. We were riding on hopium for awhile. We got a lot of growing to do and a few of our guys really need to step it up.

  5. Everyone have a great thanksgiving and hopefully the ducks can make a few adjustments and win a few more than they lose. Let’s go ducks.

  6. Whats going on in SD, is what starting to go on with the Ducks. Pretty much only getting goals from the obvious players from the teams. You know McT, Frank the Tank and, and, and….well for the Gulls it pretty much Regenda. Hint, hint bring the guy up!

  7. Honestly, its Gibson. Every time the ducks have been in games close, then suddenly gibson lets in a howler, I agree he is better this year, but man the guy is making 6.4mil a year to make these timely saves and keep this young team in games. I get that people like him, but he is letting in the softest of goals, overplaying scenarios, missing across the crease passes, its honestly not good enough for an all star goalkeeper to let those soft goals in, I would expect my beer league goalie to let them in.

    Terry has taken a massive backward step this year. Something that Cronin needs to figure out soon.

    Killorn has been the biggest disappointment since slice bread, the guy cant even score a simple 1 v 0 in front of the net.

    The team really needs a consistent goalscorer, and i must say they need to start getting these young players up from San Diego into the lineup, bench or send down under performance.

    Rant over 😀

  8. Late come backs can be torture.. not knowing till the last minute if you’re going to win.. being on the edge of your seat the entire game. It’s fun but it’s “torture”
    That was the slogan they branded our baseball team in SF during their 3 championship run. Would be scoreless games till the 9th inning or 1-1 , 2-2 games till the 9th. 0-2.
    Absolute torture even though they’d win those games 80% of the time

  9. cronin seem slow addressing areas that arent working. i like carlsson game though, too bad troy is nowhere to be seen and killorn cant hit the side of a barn. the 18 year old drove play, bunch of takeaways in this game in the offensive zone that led to scoring chances.

  10. im getting kinda tired watching the more boxy defensemen refusing to make the simple play up the ice, instead waiting to too long which often leads to a giveaway in the neutral zone. how many times is carlsson coming with speed and gudas, lubushkin, vaakanainen isnt making the pass.. if anything has been consistent recently, its carlsson coming with speed through the neutral zone with the puck. that often leads to sustained pressure or a shot on goal.

  11. the lines needs to have individual practices where they skate around in circles for 3 hours and pass to each other, so offensive zone possession turns into muscle memory. i believe in natural chemistry, but I also believe you can mold it.

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