@Red Wings de Détroit

Est-ce qu’il vient vraiment de recommencer ?

La saison dernière, nous avons vu Jake Walman frapper le Griddy pour la première fois dans la LNH. Il l’a fait plusieurs fois et hier soir, nous l’avons encore eu. Pas seulement le Griddy, mais UN AUTRE Griddy gagnant 5-4 en prolongation alors que les Red Wings de Détroit battaient les Canadiens de Montréal. La question est cependant : est-ce que cela fait grincer des dents ? En repensant à des moments comme Ovechkin avec le bâton chaud, Tiger Williams chevauchant le bâton, puis Pazzeta ramenant celui-là l’année dernière, l’arc de Hughes que nous avons vu l’autre soir ou Bédard imitant Kane, je m’aime bien. Alors qu’en est-il du Griddy ? Je couvre tout cela dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #hockey #nhl #faits saillants #montrealcanadiens #detroitredwings


  1. I find it absolutely hilarious that a fortnite gamer gets to do this on an NHL ice. If it can invite some fellow fortnite gamers to watch and follow hockey, that's a W right there.

  2. Detroit’s strategy lately is to do things to annoy the opponent. If everyone gets sick of it, that’s all the more reason to keep doing it lol

  3. Still absolutely love it and it'll never get old!! Adds insult to injury for the other team 😂😂

  4. Каковы впечатления о Бастионе? Я слышал, что она может быть альтернативой соцсетям, но хотелось бы услышать ваше мнение, основанное на дополнительном тексте о Jake Walman и его последнем выступлении.

  5. Trade Jake Allen, I'm not blaming him for that lost, but you got to admit Montembault has been better now the real question is do you trust Primeau as a 2nd goalie

  6. The best part of the backup goalie just appearing out of no where is the fact that he has his glove on, but not his blocker

  7. As a Habs fan… I hated it. However, I did enjoy Pezzeta's celly. Which means I'm just salty because my team lost last night. To which I say, good on Walman. He scored the game winner, he deserved it. Celebrate away baby.

  8. They put this celly into the NHL video game for Walman, he'll be the most popular guy in the game.

  9. I love it, do a dance, ride the stick, whatever, cellys a celly and the ones with the most personality and flair are my favs

  10. I just played FN a few hours ago and now i'm gonna share this with my FN friends so… Maybe his griddy can bring hockey some new fans 😉

  11. Nope, not getting old. He barely does it, and it makes people mad. Fucking eat that shit up all day.

  12. im a wings fan i love walman that celly is super goofy looking. He pulls it out for the OT game winners so I am always happy to see it. Just wish we didnt have to go to OT in that game.

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