@Canucks de Vancouver

Analyse finale sur Empty Net Goalgate

Analyse finale sur Empty Net Goalgate



  1. CrabBeanie

    Upon further review by a fan with unbearable OCD, the call on the ice has been overruled. We have a good goal for empty net specialist Elias Pettersson.

  2. metrichustle

    Great breakdown, Petey has a ton of skill

  3. natedogjulian

    Are we really analyzing empty netters now?

  4. Back, and to the left. Back, and to the left.

  5. crap4you

    If Petey didn’t touch it, he would request to get it changed.

  6. It seemed clear he touched it live to me but w/e. I was surprised later to see it was initially credit to Zaddy

  7. VancityRenaults

    I mean Zad pointed to Petey right away so that was all the confirmation I needed

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