@Sabres de Buffalo

Buffalo : la dualité de la franchise

Depuis l’ère de la médiocrité ambulante, les Bills et les Sabres ont pris des directions radicalement différentes. Une équipe s’est améliorée ; et atteint des sommets dont ils auraient pu rêver quelques années plus tôt. L’autre est tombé à un niveau de désespoir que la franchise n’a peut-être jamais vu auparavant. Bien que les deux présentent de nombreuses similitudes, les Bills et les Sabres forment désormais une dualité : des opposés polaires l’un de l’autre. Les Bills sont devenus l’exemple même d’une organisation récupérée : mettant l’accent sur la culture et la structure d’équipe. Les Sabres sont définis comme un chaos : pas de direction, de vision et de changement constant sans un véritable leadership au sommet. Il ne semble y avoir aucune fin en vue pour les fortunes/malheurs des deux équipes. Comment est-ce possible ? Cette vidéo va essayer de comprendre cela. Cela et secouez nos têtes collectives aux Sabres. J’ai l’impression que nous faisons ça chaque année avec eux ces jours-ci.


  1. Approaching the 2022 playoffs, the portion of the Bills has pretty much stayed true. Three straight AFC East championships and Allen being named to two Pro Bowls in three seasons. This is in addition to the Bills being consistently one of the top AFC teams competing for a berth in the Super Bowl alongside Kansas City & Cincinnati.

  2. The Bills even with Josh Allen can't get past the AFC Championship Game. They let Damar Hamlin down.

  3. Ryan O'Reilly winning Stanley Cup With St Louis Blues Kinda Reminds me Dominik Hasek when he won 2 Stanley Cup With Detroitredwings

  4. No the factory of sadness didn't move to buffalo it moved to Chicago and set up shop in the United Center and i love the dumpster fire that the Blackhawks have become. Hail to the Dead-Hawks!

  5. So many recent comments about the Bills form. Let's not forget that teams like the Indianapolis Colts and (for hockey) The Washington Capitals were both walking memes about their inability to advance. They both got rings. I realize that not every story has a redemption arc like that. Bills (and Sabres) definitely need work, but I wouldn't count them out just yet…

  6. It takes one right hire to change things. For years the Bills had so much mediocrity and worse until McDermott and Beane were hired. The same thing looks to be happening with Granato's hire for the Sabres. Even though they still haven't reached the playoffs, there is this feeling that not only will they get there but they will find success (maybe not Stanley Cup but at least getting past the first round).

  7. They dealt Ryan O'Reilly for calling out the management back in 2019, and he won a Stanley Cup in St. Louis. Jack Eichel asked to be traded because they wouldn't let him get a surgery he desperately needed…and he just won the Stanley Cup with Vegas. I'd say 'Full Pegula' has officially struck the Sabres.

  8. This video aged poorly on the Sabres side. They're a rising team close to reaching the playoffs. Dahlin is the best rising defenseman in the league. Skinner is living up to his contract. Adams have figured out how to trade and draft players. Both teams seem to have grown a winning culture. We'll see if the Bills can win the big one and the Sabres can break through into the playoffs.

  9. Skinner was somehow put on the 4th Line. The New HC has fixed this error and he's back on the 1st line. Now in 2023, after being paired with new acquisitions Thompson (who they acquired in the O'Reilly trade) and Tuck (who was acquired in the Eikle trade). Dahlin has also bounced back with a season culminating in a nomination for the Norris trophy. Now if they can just solve that pesky goalie problem, then they'll really be dangerous. Still thanks to picking up key defensemen in free agency, The Sabres should make the playoffs this upcoming season. This team was a victim of a poor GM and a HC who had no business of being hired in the first place. The Sabres took longer cause Russ Brandon was still involved in running the team. I was right, once Mister 17 Years of Stupid was removed from the Bills front office of the Bills, they'de make the playoffs. In 2017, tjat is exactly what happend. The Bills and Sabres could win
    championships this season.

  10. I hate to say it, but the tree jinx has worked its way into this one
    The Bills have struggled to take those final two steps to get a ring, and have had consistency issues with Allen. With the Dolphins being as resurgent as ever, they are losing ground they need to make up.
    The Sabers now have young talent and could make the playoffs if everything falls right somehow. They are no longer the NHL's gongshow

    That would probably be the Sharks until their tank is over

  11. Let's just say that both the Bills and Sabres are back to being the walking mediocrity of Buffalo. Whether they remain there is up to the future to decide.

  12. I still cannot believe the son of the Bills/Sabres owner used to be one of my middle and high school classmates in Florida. I swear if he follows in his father's footsteps, he better come with a plan to keep Bills' momentum up and get the Sabres shit together.

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