@Devils du New Jersey

Mise à jour hebdomadaire du Devils Pain Meter

Mise à jour hebdomadaire du Devils Pain Meter



  1. Usedfirehose

    Score: 4 – it’s weird to have a team above 500 at 4, but currently they are 6th in the division and there are glaring issues that are only getting worse since teams are starting to take advantage of it.

    People argue “it’s the defense that’s screwing us up” “it’s the goaltending that’s screwing us up”. It’s both. Personally, I think it’s more goaltending, but regardless of who’s to blame the issue is only getting worse and there seems to be no sign of improvement. Also, Lindy always says “I’m proud of X on how they played tonight” after they played like shit. I don’t know if he does that to be nice or means it.

    Thank you for listening to my Ted talk

  2. nostradamefrus

    I’m at more of a 6-7 myself but I’m more of a reactionary/doomer by nature

    Also petition to swap Jack’s face at 5 for Luke’s soul piercing stare from last night

  3. pretzelogically

    Funny we won 4 of the last 5 games and the pain-o-meter is only at tolerable 🤣

  4. xxfatpigxx

    3 for me. Growing pains and defensive deficiencies suck but the rapid development of Luke and Nemec is really awesome to see. The forwards are about as healthy as they’ve been all year so if this season is gonna be defined by outscoring their problems this is about as good as they’re gonna look (until Dougie can heal up and rejoin the team).

    Like at the end of the day I just wanna see the boys win more than they lose. Sometimes I choose to turn off my GM brain and just be a kid again having arbitrarily-picked favorite players and enjoying each win in a vacuum. Doomer mentality is draining. Give me that hopium and let me believe that they can get things sorted out in time to make a good run at the playoffs any time.

  5. JPG_photos

    It’s not pain in the pure sense. Feels more like anxiety. The painful anxiety that scoring 5 goals doesn’t mean we will win the game.

  6. m_ghesquiere

    We are the oilers of the east! All go go go!

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