@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

L’embauche de Jacques Martin par les Sénateurs est-elle un début de fin pour DJ Smith ?

Le directeur du dépistage de TSN, Craig Button, se joint à SC avec Jay Onrait pour discuter de la question de savoir si l’embauche de Jacques Martin par les Sénateurs indique le début de la fin pour l’entraîneur-chef DJ Smith.


  1. Not at all. I find this supports DJ more than anything now that he has the resources for better coaching advise on all areas of the game, particularly on defense.

  2. Smith bought himself a few more games with the sens recent play, and i do not think Martin is there to replace Smith now, however a 3-5 game losing streak, and Martin could replace him for the year, and the new GM will hire his own coach next year and Martin will slide back into an advisory role. Smith has the best roster he has ever had in ottawa and injuries aren't an excuse this year, so the pressure is on

  3. Should have getting rid of Capuano and Payne. Special units and defensive plays are terrible. Make Jacques assit head coach for PK and defensive plays. And get another assistant coach to be to be in charge of PP and offensive plays.

  4. big questions is will DJ implement what Jacques tells him? Unless Jacques gets behind the bench for real time advise – it probably won't. A better spot for Jacques would be behind the bench as the D coach. Next couple of weeks will get interesting. All I know is we need to win most of these December games if we stand a chance at a wildcard spot.

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