@Kraken de Seattle

[Mike Benton] Les rapports indiquent que le #SeaKraken a contacté les Canadiens de Montréal au sujet de leurs gardiens de but, vraisemblablement Cayden Primeau ou Jake Allen.

Je ne vois pas du tout en quoi cela nous aide



  1. DJwalrus

    Wtf. Goaltending isnt the problem.

    Maybe we should start reaching out for new head coaches

  2. Possibly looking to trade Daccord for a goalie and draft pick? Can’t really think of many reasons this makes sense. I mean, I really like Jake Allen but he isn’t going to make us a winning team.

  3. MurrayInBocaRaton

    Hahaha they gonna fucking sell Joey, aren’t they

  4. moocowcat

    My only thought it is there an unreported injury/situation that is not specifically keeping gru/daccard/driedger(?) from getting playing, but looking at options for support if it does? Otherwise, I got nothin’

    Both have been playing well enough when the boys give a shit in front of them (imo).

    Or.. something i hadn’t thiught before posting. A pick or two may come with the deal? Hrm.

  5. BenSoloGhost

    Yeah, I don’t believe this. I know Ron made some questionable decisions this offseason, but this would definitely have me questioning WTF is he doing.

  6. abandersnatch1

    Hmm I do not like this in the slightest.

  7. First-Radish727

    Could be for Driedger, since he is a UFA? Could also be due diligence, since Montreal is known to be looking to move a G. Could be to to see what the G market looks like.

    I get people saying this doesn’t help us. Neither Daccord nor Grubauer have precisely been a problem. On the other hand, Francis must be frustrated with another year of sub.900 SvPctg. He should be exploring upgrade possibilities.

  8. beardyman22

    It would be a weird move and wouldn’t address the specific problems with the team. Goaltending is fine, not great, but certainly not the reason for their record. Neither of those goalies is going to do anything Joey and Gru can’t.

  9. SeattleKrakenTroll

    Rumors gonna rumor. I don’t know why anyone actually uses these as anything but a talking point. Even if we talked to them, it doesn’t mean we actually wanted to execute. Also keep in mind we’re eating 2 million of Driedgers salary right now. Could just as easily be talking to them about Primeau for Driedger deal.

  10. jholden23

    The only reason I could see this make sense is if it was part of a bigger package with another team to actually address a need of this team.

    While I don’t love our goaltending and feel like they are both out of position a LOT, no goalie can save the roughly billion golden opportunities gifted by poor puck management and terrible defense per game this team gives up.

    And then can’t seem to score more than 2 goals per game to even help the poor goaltenders.

  11. tonytanti

    Doesn’t make too much sense to me, they should be looking at an upgrade on D and adding some more scoring. If they want to go cheap I’d look at signing Kessel or maybe Barrie if you could move on from Schultz. Both of those guys have reputations for being well liked in the dressing room and could add a scoring punch. If Evans is in the cards for this year they should go hard after Chris Tanev. Columbus is struggling too, maybe Laine or one of their kids that they’ve seemingly given up on, like Kent Johnson. I’m just not sure I’d look to upgrade in net when there are other needs that look more dire. SoH mentioned that they’ve only given up 3 more goals than last year to this point.

  12. FreezingRain358

    This is like buying a new car when you have a roof leak.

  13. MartialSpark

    People are saying goaltending hasn’t been a problem, which is insane.

    It’s not the only problem, but in November we were basically getting -1 goaltending performances every night. It’s legitimately been the worst in the league over the last month, except for maybe Edmonton.

    All of the metrics point at our defense being good, and our goaltending being awful. The peeks we get at private metrics don’t suggest any different. Outside this subreddit, there isn’t really a debate about our goaltending.

    The only move with the Habs that makes any sense to me would be Grubauer for Allen. Allen is on a shorter contract, costs less, and has been right around 0 GSAE/60. That’s about a half a goal per game improvement over Grubauer.

    Grubauer has been downright bad over his time here, on average. Last season was better for him than the first, but even then he was only getting to the bottom-middle of the pack.

    Unfortunately, he’s been about as bad this year as he was the first one. I really didn’t see them running it back with him another year if he didn’t manage at least numbers similar to the tail end of last season, honestly.

    So if they do it, I’m thinking it’s a 50/50 situation, 50% to jolt the team, 50% cap management looking forward.

  14. veloxaraptor

    This is fucking stupid. Our issue isn’t goal tending, it’s literally everything else, including playing musical chairs with players from the firebirds.

  15. Sin_Roshi

    This is quite concerning if the GM thinks this is a priority.

  16. BucksBrew

    Who knows how serious we are about it, you never know unless you ask. Then you can know what cards you have on the table.

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