@Sabres de Buffalo

Sujet d’après-match : Canadiens de Montréal contre Sabres de Buffalo – 09 décembre 2023

2023020411 BUF perd, 3 – 2 SO.

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  1. YoungTroubadour

    My kingdom for a 60 minute performance

    Tough to decide what the worse power-related part of our game was, the PP or 25

  2. Icommentoncrap

    Finally play a physical game throwing bodies all night but cost us big with those two goals from E Robs hit. Wouldve been nice to not have to play from behind 2-0 again or lose on the shootout though

  3. billsmafia5366

    It’s getting embarrassing how often I have to tell my girlfriend the Sabres/bills lost

  4. barffolemeow

    Sabres and losing to MTL in the shootout. Name a more iconic duo

  5. RagingAtRandom

    Can’t be 0/6 on the PP.. simple as that really

  6. xBialyOrzel

    The coaching staff is the only reason I can think of for why this team is losing. You cannot go 0-6 on the PP against the 30th ranked PK, you just can’t and they lost again because of it. Couldn’t even do it 4-3 in OT. You need to get rid of someone preferably Matt Ellis.

  7. You score on any 1 of those powerplays and you win… It’s killing them with how bad it is.

    Can’t even do anything on a 5-3

  8. adolce95

    Just keep playing like that and they’ll be fine. They dominated them both in pretty much every phase of the game. 4.5-2.3 in xGoals. Fix the PP please.

  9. Aromatic-Unit-3447

    Buffalo, where sports dreams go to die. (Unless you’re a lakross person)

  10. Lugy_The_Meh

    If they ever figure out that what they are doing on the PP isn’t working and fix that then holy they will be a complete team for the first time in a while.

  11. ThePeteVenkman

    I like it better when the Sabres win.

  12. edit-the-sad-parts

    PP was a trash fire. Otherwise, good effort by the Sabres, loved the physicality Dahlin and Samuelsson brought especially late

    Can’t wait for the heroic run to 88 points and 10th place in March and April

  13. Sabres8127

    Good game, disappointing finish, useless power play. Need to find a way to score when we have chances like that, especially against one of the worst penalty kills in the league.

  14. Finally_Smiled

    Loss aside, Levi posting a .935 and a .969 in these last two games is great.

    Kid will be him in time.

  15. pagan-ninja

    We continue to be undefeated and unbeatable in the goatheads !

  16. It has been a long time since I’ve enjoyed a sabres game as much as I enjoyed watching tonight.
    There is a ton to work on…but what I see is heart,effort and showing up ready to battle it out.
    They played physical, made an impressive comeback just sadly not much net and too much passing.

    I usually have been pretty doom and gloom with good reason but I feel like we are a coaching change (ellis)
    And a few roster pieces away from being that next level.

  17. Own_Cartoonist266

    Hey quick question does anyone know if sometimes something could just like work out the way we want it to?

    No? Ok just wondering

  18. JoshAllensRightNut

    Was a good game. Glad we got a point. Just gotta find a way to win.

  19. VanillaCokeMule

    Dreadful PP and a Lehner-like performance from Levi in the shootout. More disappointment for this team. Really wish I hadn’t allowed a spark of excitement after the Boston game.

  20. DinoSpumonisCrony

    If you’re not gonna fire Meatball, fine, but at least get rid of Ellis. Bring in someone who knows his PP, because it’s currently killing this team. 0/6 against the worst PK in the league is straight up new job searching territory.

  21. UncleGerbil

    So close to being the game of the year for us. Good effort but it comes down to our pp letting us down

  22. BernieSexDoll

    Can we please get a coaching staff that isn’t completely awful? The PP is killing our season & no changes are being made.

  23. Rated_PG-Squirteen

    Hey, guys, I think I finally figured out the Sabres gameplan this season. Beat a really good team, usually on the road, and then lose the next game and never build on that win.

  24. throwoawayaccount2

    PP was the big issue. Levi did great outside of the SO and the only other blemish was Robinson making a stupid hit and taking a massively stupid penalty.

    They were fighting damn hard tonight and everyone could feel it. Fighting hard and losing narrowly is far better than what they were doing most of last month. Call it a loser mindset, I call it being realistic. Keep up this sort of effort and we’re gonna win plenty.

  25. BuffaloWoodsman

    Cozens STILL struggling. That turnover could have been catastrophic. Not sure how he gets past this other than scoring a god damn goal.

  26. Dr3aMWeav3r

    They haven’t won 2 in a row all season, have they. What is wrong with this team?

  27. aaaaaliyah

    That’s a tough game. We can’t win in extra fuck

  28. BuffaloWoodsman

    Dahlin making a pass rather than a shot with one second left is so sabres.

  29. jdubsw0rld

    Please stop sitting RJ for EJ. It’s 100% confirmed at this point that Ryan is one of our top 6 defenders so stop sitting him. Clifton has played well this game and last game and hes also here for 2 more years so I need him to get going. He should be playing as well.

    Even though Skinner scored I’m really getting sick of him at this point. You want to know when hes always receiving stretch passes on the offensive zones blue line? Because he literally just sits there when we lose possession and doesn’t bother playing any defense. His xGF this season is 19.49 while his xGA is 22.3. Leaving his xGF% at a 46.64 which is pretty fucking insane considering hes our leading goal scorer. He could literally score half the goals he has now and play more defense and he’d be contributing to team success more.

    I would take 3 more Olofssons if that meant getting rid of Erik Johnson.

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