@Rangers de New York

Ce sous-titre : « OUBLIEZ TOM WILSoN »

Sérieusement. N’oubliez jamais Tom Wilson et la base de fans pauvres qui le soutiennent.



  1. Main_Paramedic_2822

    Rangers today confirmed that they do bottom for Tom Wilson. That they are bitches and that Tom Wilson and the Capitals do own them.

  2. RangersGoalieFanClub

    Does anyone actually care about barstool sport?

  3. PlzDontStripMyMind

    Tom Wilson shouldn’t be in the league. Dirty POS and you know for a fact that he was knowingly trying to end Panarin’s career

  4. Humanaut93

    I saw some hockey IG post that NAC fought Vesey because he didn’t want to fight Trouba. All the responses were along the lines of « of Trouba is so tough why doesn’t he fight Wilson? »

    Like NAC got challenged for a hit he threw, the whole game doesn’t revolve around Wilson. I seriously lost a lot of respect for Caps fans considering the types of players they root for.

  5. sideshow09

    Did panarin get injured? I can’t find anything about it online.

  6. snowball721

    The wilson memes don’t bother me. Aside from anyone with eyes knowing that the rangers are 100% in the right on that incident. It’ pretty cathartic to have the whole « wilson broke the rangers » crowd have to shut up after the rangers immediately went on a run to the conference finals which no one was expecting.

  7. Maleficent-Comfort-2

    I throat Drury was the owner of the rangers

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