@Canucks de Vancouver

Comparaison des Canucks de Vancouver de 1982, 1994 et 2011

C’était une demande aujourd’hui, donc les gens ne peuvent pas prétendre que je n’accepte pas les demandes. Je suis distrait par les Jeux olympiques à plusieurs reprises.


  1. I went to pretty much all sharks home playoff games in the playoffs and the Sharks fans started doing the wave in game 3&6 vs St.Louis (I find it really annoying and tell them to stop) we do that from time to time when we have a big lead

  2. What years did you start to watch hockey seriously? Like at what year did you start getting into hockey, was it one of Canucks playoffs runs? As for the chanting thing,I being from Winnipeg found it unreal and it just felt so uplifting when the jets got swept last year, yet so many and stayed a cheered "go jets go" even after the loss, I wasn't able to go to a playoff game for the jets but even just watching it on tv you could sense the pride in the crowd, gotta be my favourite playoff moment, being an oilers fan of course…..

  3. Hey i found your channel last night and I'm really enjoying your videos, i was wondering what your opinion on the Red Wings is (:

  4. That Nashville series was scary, Kesler took the team on his back in that series. Canucks did outplay Nashville but each game was close and we always seemed to give up a weak goal against.

    Also on the Bertuzzi breaking Moores neck was the pile up but he did cause it to happen. I will say if Moore stayed in the league he would have been a 4th liner at best and make maybe 1.2mill per year. There is no way he should have tried to sue Bertuzzi for the 30 million or what ever insane number it was.

  5. 2 things: What about the "KING HENRIK" chants? People consistenly talk about the Rangers poor defense but the only reason we have gotten in the playoffs in the last 5 years has been because of defense and Henrik (shutdown defense and great goaltending) and then we have a mediocre offense so we maybe get two goas. I don't think our problem (previous this year) has been our defense, it has been the offense. If we let one in the problem wasn't the letting the goal in but getting one back.

  6. hey I had question for you do you have any answer why the islanders have not brought up Dal colle into their lineup yet he was 5th overall in 2014

  7. It was a dutch girl that fell of her bike there, she was leading at the time too.
    She was taken to the hospital but all things considered she's allright, her injuries are pretty limited considering that horrible fall.

  8. Can you please talk about who Vancouvers rivals are and why and maybe a bit of Boston to its my b-day on the 16th lol thanks

  9. No the truly smart thing would be Moore not injuring naslund…naslund wasn't injured e.g..yeah he wasn't the sam after that hit…The smarter thing would be… fight bertuzzi

  10. Hey Hockey guy. you should find an editor to edit your videos for cheap. Might help the channel out… Add some pics or videos and add some other form of media please… Theme music is good + new camera. I think you have good topics and discussion. You have lots of potential. Maybe just a little more production value and u could really make a splash in the hockey community. Don't get me wrong… i'm an avid hockey guy fan. I really want to see you do well because i think you represent Vancouver's thoughts. cheers. I also think it would be a great way to show progression.

  11. I was in Rogers arena when the Blackhawks had the power play that should had end the series. Alas, Patrick Sharp could not get his “A” shot because the puck was rolling. The Blackhawks were better than the Canucks. The Blackhawks have three Stanley Cups, from 2010-2015, the Canucks have zero Stanley Cups. The 2011 Canucks team was completely overrated.

  12. Omfg-"94 made me literally sick!!!I loved that team-Trevor linden and Pavel Bure were my fave players!!!

  13. In 2011 it was the too many men penalty
    Where I knew it's over
    Not winning nhl does not want you to win

  14. 12:11 That Raffi Torres hit totally pissed me off. And I'm a Canucks guy! I was so shocked that he didn't get suspended even though it favored my team.

    What I didn't realize was that that hit was what turned the series around.

  15. 24:32 I still don't know why they didn't pull the guy off. Why the hell would you dog pile when your teammates is at the bottom. I've never understood that. What are you trying to accomplish?

    What am I missing about dog-piling?

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