@Ligue nationale de hockey

Brendan Gallagher furieux du non-appel

Brendan Gallagher furieux du non-appel



  1. HabitantDLT

    There is no excuse for not calling that one.

  2. kevdt267

    Damn he mugged him. Needs to check if he’s still got his wallet 😂

  3. Dustymanitoban

    I’ve been frisked less, crossing international boundaries

  4. alien_bananas

    I don’t feel bad for him an inch. Just yesterday he got away with a blatant cross-check on Skinner who was down on the ice

  5. 710shot420

    Gallagher is a scumbag who gets away with worst I don’t feel bad for him at all

  6. xtzferocity

    The reffing is just getting worse and worse

  7. BrooksideNL

    Lol. 50/50 puck battle? Terrible non call.

  8. This feels like the worst season of officiating… I know it always seems worse when you are in it, but man, this year feels really bad.

  9. and we wonder why dirty hits and cheap shots are on the rise. The refs are allowing bulkshit non stop. Completely ruining the game

  10. TattooedBrogrammer

    If refs can’t call that maybe they need a third one on the ice and they can wear in training badges 🙂

  11. HabitApprehensive889

    Shift to shift there was no consistency…Habs could have had 15 pp tonight and I am not sure they ever score tho.

  12. IcansavemiselfDEEN

    As much as I hate siding with Montreal, what the fuck. That was a garbage non-call.

  13. Falcon3492

    Another obvious no call by the NHL refs. Might as well go back to one ref and two linesman because with two refs not making obvious calls the NHL could save some money on these so called referees.

  14. deenaleen

    That’s perfectly legal in Greco-Roman wrestling.

    I fucking hate Gallagher, but he has every right to be furious about that. Such a bad call.

  15. Deveranmar1

    That’s just the tip of the iceberg on calls for that game tonight. Definitely a few on either side were missed and some were called for the softest things I’ve seen in my life. I just don’t get it. Like one or two bad calls or no calls… fine. But out of 10 of the called ones I feel like 4 of them were completely unwarranted. And then 4 to 5 calls missed that should’ve been called.

    Like swallow the whistle or don’t. Just figure it out refs. Cause it feels like you’re flipping a coin half the time on calls

  16. Constant-Squirrel555

    He gets away with enough crap that I’m fine to look the other way.

  17. Deraj2004

    Did the NHL hire the substitute refs from the NFL from a few years back? Does the league even hold the officials accountable?

  18. NoSwitch

    This is typical nhl. Watching the leafs in the playoffs last year showed that the officiating is an absolute joke now. To the point where the league isn’t worth watching.

  19. Tootz3125

    Oh man. How is that missed? I have no care who wins this game but holy shit.

  20. Ill_Association5736

    He got away with one last night so it all comes out in the wash. I’m a Habs fan too.

    And both should have been called.

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