@Blues de Saint-Louis

Il a été hué par ses propres fans…

Après un début de saison de 12-14-1 jusqu’à 27, tard hier soir, l’ancien entraîneur-chef des Blues Craig Berube a été officiellement relevé de ses fonctions. Bérubé est également l’entraîneur qui a permis à St. Louis de remporter sa toute première coupe Stanley. Le meilleur entraîneur de l’histoire des Bleus sans doute. Ainsi, lorsque Jordan Kyrou a été interrogé à ce sujet, il a été un peu choqué lorsqu’il a répondu simplement : « Je n’ai aucun commentaire. Il n’est plus mon entraîneur. » Fan a été immédiatement mécontent de ces commentaires. Mais je dois dire que cela m’a un peu surpris. Ce soir, alors que les Blues de St. Louis recevaient les Sénateurs d’Ottawa, lors de l’annonce de l’alignement partant, Kyrou a été hué. Il a également été hué tout au long du match malgré la victoire des Bleus. Après le match, il a été interrogé à ce sujet et s’est effondré, visiblement en larmes. Je couvre tout cela dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #hockey #nhl #faits saillants #stlouisblues #ottawasenators


  1. maybe think about what to say to your fanbase wage payers next time your asked a question? well done to the blues who man'd up & took some responsibility. that coach is well loved by them fans even if a change was needed!

  2. Every person has their own unique relationship with their team. I support my team unconditionally. If Kyrou has a problem with the coach, that's none of my business/problem. He politely said "no comment" and that's how you do it.

  3. He deserved all the boo he disrespected his former coach you guys want to get paid big money earn it fans pay your salary to come watch you play

  4. I hope he apologizes to his Berube and the fans lay off him. That was tough to see.

  5. Blues fans appreciate hard-working players. We saw in the late 80s how Hull and Oates were dismantled in the playoffs trying to play peek-a-boo hockey. Players need to work, especially a scorer when he’s not finding the back of the net. Kyrou registered the second worst plus/minus in the league last year. This year he’s not scoring enough and he’s still minus. Then you add what sounds like a childish shot at a guy who put in a lot of tough years in the NHL and brought the team their FIRST STANLEY CUP SINCE 1967?! Yeah, I got no problem with the boos. Kyrou needs to quit dogging it on the back check and find an all-around game. LFG, Roozy…

  6. While Kyrou didn’t play during the Cup run, he WAS part of the team, playing 16 games during the regular season. Yes, not a major player at that stage, but definitely part of the team in a limited capacity.

  7. 25 is actually very young. Much of what we say as young adults, we come to regret or change our minds upon. Growing pains.

  8. underperforming for his money and running his mouth, he should shut up and fix his game imo

  9. Man…thats tough. I get he hasn't been playing as he should. Not sure if he meant to diss CB or not…I dunno. Maybe he just didn't want to talk about it? Crazy to hear him booed like that. Never experienced that as a Blues fan that I know of. Own players anyways. Tough times for the Blues.

  10. whoever the total losers and reddit-tier dipshits that comment on these videos, as well as the inaccuracies of the video itself, have convinced me this is definitely the worst channel for hockey content. anyone that's harboring scores of americans with no connection to the game of hockey–outside of choosing a bandwagon team to pretend to care about during the last series in the playoffs–is making shit content and will only continue doing so.

  11. As a local Blues fan, I don't like the boos, but I'm not surprised by them. Most fans in STL are convinced that he didn't like Berube and got him fired to excuse his own poor play. Unless Kyrou brings us another Cup I don't think the STL relationship will be salvageable, in the fans mind he is the number one offender for chasing our best coach ever out of town through his lazy, insolent, absolutely selfish style of playing.

  12. He didn’t even say anything wrong in his statement- completely professional. Like what is wrong with these fans?

  13. I think the kid just wanted to avoid speculation, rumors, and bs. Hes young and newish to the team. Its a respectable desire to want to avoid drama.

  14. Craig Berube exellent coach, I think it be real great discovery when former great toughguy become great hockey coach and lead his team to Stanley Cup. Obviously, Berube very talanted coach and I sure we will hear about his next achievements with new team. I not know why Kyrou be booed, I've got no comment about it. It looks strange when fans boo they team player, and good player. Good luck to Berube, and to Blues too. I Pens fan from Eastern Europe, so sorry for my poor English.

  15. Fans are upset cause the dude has no commnet on a sensative topic? What a bunch of jackasses. Hope he finds another team that appreciates him.

  16. I have heard players talk about being booed by opposing fans, and the reactions ranged from not caring to actually enjoying it. But I have never seen a player who wasn't bothered by boos from their own fans. Most in that situation have responded by requesting trades.

    The closest I remember to someone not bothered was Scotty Bowman, when he was both coach and general manager of the Detroit Red Wings. At one point, the fans booed him for rumors that he was looking to trade then-captain (and current general manager) Steve Yzerman. Bowman never acknowledged the boos at the time, and gave no indication that he was bothered.

    A few years later, as the players were addressing their season ticket holders after winning the 1997 Stanley Cup, Yzerman brought up the earlier booing, and asked the fans to now give Bowman an extra round of applause to compensate. I'm guessing based on this that the boos did bother Bowman at the time, and although he hid it from the public, Yzerman saw it.

  17. Kyrou is one of the reasons chief got fired. Armstrong is the one that should have been let go after signing him to an 8 year 8 mil a year contract

  18. Best coach in Blues history…. Yeah, no… That'd be Bowman or Arbour… Stopped watching after that hilarious statement…

  19. What a joke fanbase😂 bro should’ve went and scored on his own net, wanna fucking boo your own players why should they win for ungrateful fans?

  20. St. Louis fans SUCK FOR THIS. Why would you boo your second best player for not commenting on a situation?? Coaches are hired tog rt fired, don’t be so starched

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