@Blues de Saint-Louis

Jordan Kyrou est aux larmes après avoir été hué par les fans de Blues

Jordan Kyrou a rencontré les journalistes après la victoire 4-2 des Blues de St. Louis contre les Sénateurs d’Ottawa. Kyrou a évoqué son avant-match « sans commentaire » à propos de l’entraîneur-chef Craig Berube, récemment licencié. Kyrou a été hué par les supporters locaux pendant le match. #nhl #stlouisblues #jordankyrou #craigberube ***vidéo gracieuseté des Blues de St. Louis


  1. He crapped his bed and now cleaning it up and dealing with the embarrassment. Now play hard every shift 25. Most Blues fans will cheer you moving forward. A very good life lesson potentially learned.

  2. If you aren't from St Louis, you don't have a sense for just what this means. This isn't new york where the crowd boos anything and everything. For a St Louis crowd to boo anything – much less a player on their own team- that person earned it. Jordan Kyrou, you need to either own it, or expect to get booed until some team is stupid enough to pick up your contract in trade. Surely there are other teams dumb enough to do that…

  3. People in general and sports fans in particular can be so very harsh and mean. ✔️
    Wishing you all the best, Jordan.

  4. I don't like seeing him booed but there is something off with this current group beyond the poor roster construction. I know he says he loves playing here, but the whole team outside of a few vets feels like they don't really want to be here imo. Kryou to me plays like a guy waiting on something instead of chasing it. Nearly the whole team right now, it's like they want the game to come to them instead of bringing everything they can to the game. And he's the face of it because of his name and contract combined with under performing, that's part of what comes with the big extension.

    I will say this though, all of us dogging his perceived lack of buy-in and effort probably wouldn't have shit to say if he was on pace for 40 goals right now. He just embodies everything wrong with this roster if/when he is not scoring.

  5. I feel bad for him on the one hand. I would think people who have sacrificed so much to be one of the lucky few to play a professional sport could be affected by boos. However, on the other hand, in professional sports fans think that because they pay a lot of money to see a game they have the right to voice their displeasure with the product on the ice. It could make for a very rough time if every time you get booed you get emotional. With all the social media bs as well, players need to have a thick skin.

  6. I'm glad to see how human he is. At the same time, his game is not a lack of skill. There is something going on mentally this season, perhaps even emotionally, that is getting in the way of him reuniting with his skill level. I just hope this turning of the fans on him won't make it ever harder for him to get back to his game. He was offered the contract to score – and Army pointed out he is not performing to the level of the pay. That's a lot of pressure for a kid. There's enough comments out there to suggest Berube was brining out the worst in Kyrou this season – and maybe that was what Army was indirectly suggesting – though he's not typically vague. Thomas has blown up this season and Jordan appears checked out. The emotion is good – it means he is passionate about it. But if only he could go out there and "just have fun" again. Let all the emotion and mental pressure go and just have fun. Hopefully the new coach can get him there.

  7. Kryou wasn’t even on the team when blues won the Stanley cup though Thomas was and he got hurt by krug and came back eventually

  8. Mabie it counted but he didn’t participate in the 4 goals perron was one and I think 3 others scored

  9. First Blues Coach got fired after taking them to the Stanley Cup Finals their first 3 years….said he couldn't get em there….Scotty Bowman….11 rings…same with Al Arbour….4 rings

  10. I love this reaction by the fans. It means different things to people. A show of love for Chief. Anger that it came to this. Nobody should feel worse than the players. And Kyrou at some fault of his own was the perfect player to target our emotions on. And seeing him choke up after the game was better than closer. It's a great lesson in accountability for the entire organization to use as a springboard to move forward.

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