Les Hurricanes de la Caroline ont placé le gardien Antti Raanta au ballottage. NHL Tonight discute de cette décision ainsi que de la suite pour le gardien de but vétéran et le club. N’oubliez pas de vous abonner ! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRsrhXtzXmzYX_fiyNHHxbw?sub_confirmation=1 Twitter : https://twitter.com/NHLNetwork Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/NHLNetwork/ Instagram : https://www. instagram.com/nhlnetwork
@Hurricanes de la Caroline
Who is that desperate to take him right now? I feel bad for the guy. Canes fan here, wishing this chapter of his career wasn't written like this. I wanted him to finnish in Raleigh on a high note.
Raanta isn’t done in Raleigh. He’ll be back