@Ligue nationale de hockey

L’ancien joueur de Detroit, Martin Frk, donne un coup de pied à son adversaire

L’ancien joueur de Detroit, Martin Frk, donne un coup de pied à son adversaire



  1. gaseous_defector

    Frk was more recently with LA.

  2. banevadegang

    Jail time for attempted murder and assault

  3. TotSaM-

    I saw somewhere all he got was a 5 game suspension for this

  4. Complex_Cranberry_25

    Especially with the recent death (rest in peace), I’m surprised they only gave him 5 games. The world is usually reactive rather than being proactive so this is the time for the league to be crazy about neck safety. Given how intentional it looked, I would’ve expected like half a season suspension. This is not a question of controlling your body, that’s a question of deciding whether or not to kick someone. I liked the guy when he played with the kings and with our ahl team, but that was an awful decision, and he should be thanking his lucky stars that he gets to come back after 5 games.

  5. wasteofmortality

    Fuck that wanna be Daniel LaRusso

  6. NegativeMoby

    Seriously? A guy just died from a skate and this is how we play? Unreal stupidity. Should be banned for life

  7. Roubz11

    Did you know Frk holds the record in the NHL for only player without a vowel in his last name to ever play.

  8. won_nurker

    He got 5 games and a 7660 Swiss franc fine. Source: Helsingin Sanomat newspaper

    The victim Lawrence Pilut said that basically shit happens and he doesn’t think Frk tried to hurt him, just disn’t have full control of his body. 💁🏼‍♂️

  9. OchoDee

    Lifetime ban. This shit can’t become a trend

  10. RedditCanadaa

    As dirty as it gets. Lifetime ban. This happening again after a similar incident killed someone. Get it out of the game immediately, no exceptions

  11. RickyTheRickster

    That is way fucked up but the other dude is at fault too, should have stopped

  12. No_Tea_9845

    I would suspend for the remainder of the season at an absolute minimum

  13. Loudlaryadjust

    Should have sent a strong message here, season ban.

  14. Ballsahoy72

    A whole lotta stupid is happening in hockey right now

  15. Atomic-pangolin

    No way that wasn’t intentional, you don’t just bring your leg all the way back like that like you’re bending over backwards

  16. He has never been known as a dirty player, I’m really disappointed. FRK THAT

  17. JiffTheJester

    Right after someone died this is a wild move

  18. TiredReader87

    He should be banned. There’s no place for that in hockey.

    What a dirtbag

  19. Jazzlike_Ninja5913

    good luck next time dude steps on the ice

  20. bluewhite63

    That’s frk’n dangerous! Lifetime ban.

  21. _BearsBeetsBattle_

    Who the fuck flails their feet like that? Last kick was aimed. Year suspension.

  22. Brav_Zombie

    There is no reason someone should have their skates up that high…unless they’re in figure skating.

  23. Pituophis

    Ooh, boy, his Frk’n career is over.

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