@Sénateurs d'Ottawa


Ross Levitan et Brandon Piller réagissent à la nouvelle du renvoi de DJ Smith et Davis Payne du personnel d’entraîneurs des Sénateurs d’Ottawa; Jacques Martin prend le relais en tant qu’entraîneur-chef par intérim et Daniel Alfredsson en tant qu’adjoint.


  1. DJ, thank you for your work. You were good helping develop these young players early in their respective careers. But the time to move on is over due. Best of luck in your future endeavours. I think you could be a good junior coach, you clearly have a knack for working with young players. 🫡

  2. I liked DJ, I'm glad they gave him a chance to start the season, but after another bad start and going 0-3 on the road trip, I knew it was only a matter of time. I wish him all the best going forward. Hopefully this will be a wake-up call to the team.

  3. Nice guy and was exactly what we needed to help a group of young players for the last couple years. But the same mistakes are being repeated from 2 years ago. A change is needed to help the players get to the next level. For some reason, this did not happen with DJ behind the bench. I hope he lands on his feet somewhere and wish him well for the future.

  4. The donations this stream were insane. DJ getting fired is the best thing to happen to the LOSP bank account. Gonna be extra, EXTRA garlic at the Shawarma Palace!

  5. Now you guys need to fire sloth, your captain. Oh, you can fire the whole team actually. Pretty much orcs from Mordor on skates.

  6. 1) Goalies are gonna get pulled when they are shitting the bed now
    2) Defensive structure
    3) No more molly coddling players and sit them when they don't do the job.

  7. Great the next coach they should hire for the Job is Nick Nurse. Now before you say he's from a different sport. I don't care as long as he leads the team to the championships.

  8. Lfg! Now the change is coming. It’s a shame it took so long but hey we’re here now. Go sens Go!

  9. I was listening to Pillzy talking about this going to be a long season and no changes will happen on your earlier episode, as i read the Sens news release

  10. Genuinely wish the best for DJ. We should be thanking him for raising our boys into the men they are today, and I hope he finds work somewhere in the NHL. He should always be welcomed back to the CTC as he often welcomed everyone else with a smile. It was time to move on though, it was starting to not be fair for him, the players, or the fans. Hoping for the best in the future for the team and DJ!

  11. Great show guys, the team needed this…. To many players had a long leash, now that ends. Now all players transactions are on the table, no player will be exempt…….. cheers guys, do a great job


  12. About friggin time! Should have done this a month ago but whatever at least they finally pulled the trigger. Maybe now they have a sliver of a chance of making it into the playoffs ?? Would be a miracle but u never know!

  13. He was not a good coach but i kinda do feel bad for him he did the best that he could and he did what he was supposed to do. Hope that he gets a new job somewhere else cause he was a good guy not behind the bench it seemed.

    I think he whould be a good guy to develop the rookie players like alfie was doing to the whole team

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