@Sabres de Buffalo

Les Sabres devraient-ils renvoyer Don Granato ?

Les Sabres ont été absolument embarrassés par la pire équipe de l’Est, les Blue Jackets, mardi soir, à domicile. Ce qui a amené de nombreuses personnes à faire appel au chef de l’entraîneur-chef des Sabres, Don Granato. Granato mérite-t-il d’être licencié ? Les Sabres le feront-ils réellement ? Quel est leur point de rupture ? Et qui remplacerait Granato si l’équipe en arrivait un jour à ce point ? Suivez et abonnez-vous sur toutes les plateformes de podcast… 🎧 https://link.chtbl.com/LOSabres?sid=YouTube Verrouillé sur toute la ligue de la LNH : chaque équipe, fantasy, espoirs et plus 🎧 https://linktr.ee/LockedOnNHL Follow sur Twitter : https://mobile.twitter.com/SneakyJoeSports Suivez l’émission sur Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/LockedOnSabres #NHL #Sabres #BuffaloSabres


  1. As much as I like Don Granato, I think the Sabres need to move on from him. I feel that they should at least be as good as they were last year at this time, and sadly they’re not…they have clearly regressed this season.

  2. and i hate don granato, when you look at him. He doesn’t screamed physical or tough to play against. absolute push over

  3. What a shame when these guys make Millions of Dollars a year and you can't get motivated to play your best hockey

  4. As a solid Sabres fan from the time of Alex Mogilny I am over it with this season. This team should be climbing the standings sharply and they feel more like a team ready to enter a rebuild yet again. GMKA needs to get a real G1 and a new coach who knows how to push the talent they have to it's potential or it's time to replace the GM and then do those other things.

  5. Wow wow wow wow wow wow…….

    This GM better do a couple things fast…….other both coach and GM with be gone. I am so sick of this Godamn bullshit

  6. Adams needs to shake up this roster. We have too many of the same type of forwards. We have no power forward who plays hard and actually hits.

  7. You saying that the Sabres just don’t have the talent simply isn’t true. Most teams would kill to have players with the talent of Dahlin, Tage, Power, Cozens, Benson, etc. the problem is that the whole team is in disarray. They need a new coach. Donnie has gone as far as he can with this group. The team will revolt if he’s fired? What are the players going to do? Play worse? We could care less right now.

  8. When they pulled Levi…….I said to everyone watching the game that “if they score a goal in the next 2 minutes…..the fans are going to lose it”.

    Hahahaha and they scored 18 seconds later, and then again, and again and again.

    This season has gone completely in the wrong direction that what we all expected

  9. Our team is young & skilled but super light in the ass. We don't play heavy enough hockey. We are the worst I've seen existing our own zone. To much lateral passing in our zone D 2 D. Please skate with it or pass it to the forward group !!!!! Jackets and others have much as easy time getting out of their own zone vs us.

  10. When the team starts to break down and let in several goals I don’t know why Granato doesn’t use his timeout to settle them down. It’s not like they’re gonna need it at the end of the game when they’re down by 4 or 5.

  11. Lets just say, I was at the Avalanche game, sad seeing a team get bullied all over the ice. Needing a stellar Head Coach again, and a Goalie that actually blocks shots. Luukkonen needs to be sent to bottom hockey, to learn how to move more and not just tunnel vision it and not move once one knee touches the ice, he needs to move move move. Hey its just business, you can't get the job done you get fired. It happens in all other sports as well.

  12. I dont Blame Granato i blame the players. This Team was 1 point away last year. The core is locked up and they need to start deliving ,granted theyve all been banged up all year long. The big problem is goaltending. Adams has Failed to grab a solid #1 Goalie in trade and Free agency. He let Ullmark Walk and in the process he missed out on Vanacek and Kuemper and Kuemper coming off a cup run. Now we put all the stock on Upl and Levi and it is starting to fail slowly. This is the biggest fix that needs to be made.

  13. Whole coaching staff has to be replaced. defense is lousy, power play is lousy. Watching Montreal & Philadelphia winning with their coaches makes the Sabres a sad state of affairs.

  14. How many teams have had great turnarounds after firing a coach mid-season?
    The penguins and blues won a cup after doing so.
    I would be absolutely fine with firing him as long as we have a good replacement lined up
    Call berube or Mike peca and see if they are willing to take the job before doing so

  15. You will never see it. But the owner should have a press conference and blast the team. Pegula is committed to the GM and head coach and won’t fire them.

  16. Joe awhile back, I told you that the biggest problem with this team is that they have offensive players who only want to play offensive not play defense. Again no aggressiveness in their play they allow the other time come into our zone , sit back and watch them pass the puck around. Soon after it goes in the net. I rather have average players play a strong two way game then have dynamic offensive players. These players are pansy players.

  17. There is little talent on this team. Last year they missed the playoffs facing 40+ back-up goalies Coaches, GM & Players are all weak.

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