@Devils du New Jersey

(opinion) La LNH a un problème de frappe – et les jeunes diables en paient le prix


Cette vidéo fait ressortir de très bons points sur l’arbitrage et les différences générationnelles en matière de contrôle. C’est assez pertinent étant donné les récents succès sur Luke Hughes. Je ne veux pas que la ligue soit moins physique, mais des changements doivent être apportés pour protéger les joueurs. L’arbitrage doit être meilleur, par exemple. Je pense également que toutes les franchises doivent investir du temps dans la formation des jeunes joueurs à anticiper et à encaisser les coups. En ce qui concerne les Devils en particulier, nous avons besoin d’un joueur comme Steven pour compenser un groupe aussi jeune. Nous dominons les équipes qui ne sont pas rapides, mais nous sommes dominés par les équipes qui sont plus physiques. Évidemment, cela sera mieux géré à mesure que nos jeunes joueurs vieilliront, mais ils doivent être protégés dès maintenant, en raison du risque de blessure. Qu’en pensez-vous ?



  1. NJDevs30

    They’re never going to get some of it out of the game, things happen too quickly when guys are zipping around on the ice. Rule changes like switching from touch up icing to hybrid icing ~10 years ago is the way to go. Still didn’t stop Luke Hughes from getting plowed earlier this season, but I digress.

  2. defecateplu8

    Nico got beat up when he first hit the league(and still does). Devils screwed the pooch not getting Trouba and settling for Subban. Miles Wood had promise then got his butt kicked by Lemieux and wasn’t physical after that. The Wayne Simmonds experiment was a flop. Playoff hockey is physical, hopefully the youth grows into it.

  3. LaHondaSkyline

    NHL needs to embrace the ’22-’23 Devils style of play. Speed and skill. Not hitting. Not a ‘heavy’ style. NHL should have rules, and enforce the rules, to encourage this style of hockey and for teams to most value that type of roster and style of play.

    The top reason to do this is that this is wildly entertaining hockey that highlights the most skilled players in the world. Sorry! But it is just way more entertaining overall than the style when Scott Stevens was around.

    The second reason is that we know a lot more about concussions, CTE, etc., than back in the day. And many of the ‘clean’ hits can lead to permanent brain injuries, especially is repeated several times over a career.

    Most teams do not have a Trouba. The teams that still do have a Trouba should be encouraged to get rid of them by rules and proper rule enforcement that makes what he often does a penalty. Too dangerous to brains. Suppresses display of the other worldly skills of the most skilled players in the world.

  4. That physical edge is what the team is missing. Teams are constantly roughing up our players without any fear of retaliation. Jack took a penalty the other night after repeatedly hitting a Flyers player who didn’t look like he knew he was getting cross checked. Bahl threw his hat into the ring for it but I don’t know if he’s that guy right now. I don’t know who we could get, but we need someone.

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