@Capitals de Washington

Sujet d’après-match : Lightning de Tampa Bay contre les Capitals de Washington – 23 décembre 2023

2023020521 WSH perd, 2 – 1 SO.

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  1. tommypopz

    I miss TJ Oshie

    I love Charlie Lindgren

  2. MissCalamityJade

    GG boys we’ll take the point

  3. Express-Buy-3061

    Not too upset, think they played well. Hate putting Ovi in the shootout

  4. OvechkLisic

    When was the last time OV scored in the shootout? My brain thinks 2017 but it has to be sooner than that, right?

  5. ballsacksnweiners

    Carlson is the shadow of the player he once was.

  6. InfallibleBackstairs

    Carberry sucks at the shootout. What the hell is he thinking?

    Edit – I would love to hear a rebuttal from any downvoters.

  7. here4thememes420

    Man if this team could score goals we’d be dangerous. Everything else is clicking. Defense and discipline looking good. Goaltending has been stellar. PK has been lights out. If we could put up more than 2 goals a game this team would be scary. This one was a bummer because I feel like after the 1st the caps took over and deserved the 2 points

  8. TheLastArizona

    Hoping Charlie is okay. That looked like a tough knock and he still looked to be favoring that wrist/hand.

  9. bigehokie

    I’ve seen it already but want to pile on. Ovi shouldn’t be in the top 3 for shootout, even when Oshie isn’t available. Tbh, not sure why we’re not trying Mantha at this point.

  10. Levi12E

    Correct me if I’m wrong but Jensen seemed more involved offensively tonight

  11. hungry5991

    Guys I’m so sorry! I couldn’t watch! I was with family for Christmas.

  12. FatBoySpeaks

    Honestly, not a bad game. Not too much I can say about it. A point is a point. Wanted 2 but Atleast we got 1.

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