@Ligue nationale de hockey

Bedard 🤝 Zegras, deuxième but du Michigan ce soir

Bedard 🤝 Zegras, deuxième but du Michigan ce soir



  1. Not even the toe drag to pick it up. Just stabs it and flips it top corner. That’s a crazy move!!

  2. I know what Trevor has been doing during his time off. Scooping pucks up mid-deke while skating full bore.

  3. BrandonV16

    Zegras is literally changing the game of hockey.

  4. thatguy11

    So I couldn’t really find a hard record on it, is this the first time NHL has two lacrosse in one night?

  5. I’m usually not a fan of the Michigan type goals but this is extremely impressive.

  6. ElectrikLettuce

    I don’t see Bedard anywhere. DiD hE sWiTcH tEaMs?

  7. Infected13

    The crazy thing is if you watch the goalie, he sees it’s Zegras so when he pushes over he actually tries to push himself up the the top corner, knowing it’s probably coming, but he still couldn’t stop it.

  8. NorthboundUrsine

    Dear God, someone please rescue Zegras from the swirling vortex of mediocrity that is Anaheim. I challenge the McGMs to find a way to get him under our flag. This kid has way too much talent to be wasting away there. If we can’t get him, at least someone, anyone who’s a contender, I beg you, get this kid the fuck out of Anaheim.

  9. NotImYourForte

    Easily one of the cleanest versions of this shot.

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