
Quelques photos du dîner de Noël de l’équipe slovaque au CMJ en Suède

Quelques photos du dîner de Noël de l’équipe slovaque au CMJ en Suède



  1. I-Argue-With-Myself

    The guys look like they’re having a blast

  2. svehlic25

    For those wondering, Slovak Christmas has quite a few traditions associated with it. Among them is cutting an apple in half and seeing “a star” as a way to predict next year’s health! The clearer the star pattern of the seeds, the better.

    They seem to have gotten most of the traditional foods, which involves potato salad, schnitzels and fried fish, mostly carp. Lots of cookies, nuts and stuff is traditional too. The soup towards the end is called a “kapustnica” and is a hot soup made from sauerkraut, sausages and mushrooms.

    Lots of other traditions to mention here. But looks like they kept it pretty accurate!

  3. Nostradomusknows

    It looks like someone did something offensive to the potato salad.

  4. sailingnumber

    The amount of sugary sodas is way too high

  5. MatureNeuro

    Some good Christmas traditions being kept. And that Kapustnica looks good!

  6. Nickp1991

    i found some gas stations that have orange fanta

  7. tetradeltadell

    Crushing a couple brews too.. looks like Falcon is a Swedish beer. Good for them haha

  8. Shoelesshobos

    Yo Slovakian Christmas looking pretty sick

  9. MathierCutkov

    whats the matter jakub youve barely touched your cabbage soup

  10. Zanchbot

    They’re looking at that potato salad like they’ve never seen or even heard of such a thing before and are amazed by its very existence.

  11. I’m going start by recognizing that I’m aware that Croatia and Slovakia are not only different countries, but are in different European regions with different cultural histories. The 6th picture, with the liter soda bottles, reminded me of this story.

    When I was a teenager, my family went to Europe and met family in Italy and Croatia. Our first night on the island of Brač, we at dinner at the family’s house way out in the boonies. They were lovely and fun and a little weird, but the thing that I remember most was how they repurposed 2-liter soda bottles to hold their (homemade) olive oil and wine. Thinking back on it, it makes total sense. They were not necessarily poor, but I think living on an island, and having lived in the former Yugoslavia Republic, I think they were just used to making things last.

    Anyway, the whole dinner was incredible, but those 2-liter bottles of oil and wine really made an impact on me. I have no idea why, but out of everything in that trip, that was my favorite memory. My family brought it up every once in a while, not to make fun, but to remember the goofy and wonderful family that were unlike any other family that we had ever met.

    Fast forward a few years, and my mom especially had been in contact with the European side of the family, sending Christmas cards and periodic emails–that sort of thing. One day, we get a letter in the mail from Croatia. We open it up to find out that one of the family members we met had gotten married. There were pictures of the ceremony and reception included. As my family was looking through the pictures, we cam across one of the whole family sitting around the table at dinner. There they were, dressed to the nines (or about as much as you want to be on a hot, humid Adriatic Sea evening), with 2-liter soda bottles of olive oil and wine. We all just lost it. It was so perfectly them and I love them for it.

    I know this isn’t super relevant, but I was excited to remember this little family moment on a Christmas away from family 🙂

  12. TonyComputer1

    Potato salad and fried fish? Doesnt sound like a pregame meal!

  13. Memeions

    Saddens me to see the julmust (literal nectar of the Gods) so untouched.

  14. magoomba92

    I thought only Team Sweden gets Ikea fish sticks.

  15. Paper_Rain

    Is there pics of all the other teams participating in the tournament?

  16. Simon_Jester88

    Julmust, the only available during Christmas soda

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