@Ligue nationale de hockey

Quelqu’un d’autre a-t-il surpris Mark Scheifele en train d’attraper le patin de Bedsy au cou/au visage ?

Le programme a fait trébucher Bedsy aux genoux et, ce faisant, on aurait dit qu’il avait presque attrapé les patins de Bedsy contre son visage et/ou son cou.



  1. BordFree

    After watching multiple times, there’s no « almost ».. he catches the second one to the chin. Luckily there was no lateral movement of the foot. Scary stuff.

  2. GrandAdmiralThrun

    Someone almost caught a flying skate in one of the WJC games this morning too. Super scary seeing how close it is to disaster in slo mo

  3. raxnahali

    Watching this game, didn’t even notice! Holy crap that was a close shave!

  4. Bobstradomus4394

    Looked like it made contact too close

  5. Hairygull

    An inch or two closer and that’s a brutal injury

  6. Ok_Indication9631

    British ice hockey fans having ptsd rn

  7. CrotchSwamp94

    No that skate at least caressed his face. His chin strap got caught by it you can see it.

  8. FinkBass420

    Holy fuck, inches away from ruining two peoples careers and lives. I don’t know why they aren’t all wearing neck protection yet

  9. PeoplesFrontOfJudeaa

    Bedard should be charged!!!! /s

  10. Donnie_the_Greek

    Is it because the game is just much more athletic than even 5-10 years ago? Have seen more skates to the face and neck this season alone than in past years.

  11. Dom9lives

    If I was Scheif if this isn’t enough of an incentive to wear a neck guard I don’t know what it takes

  12. 1Sharky7

    Almost like it’s more common of an occurrence than people realize. Almost like neck guards should be mandated.

  13. jpatt05

    Man, I’m really thinking they should implement masks or cages. Like, make it so you never stop wearing them after minor hockey. Grandfather in the guys now, of course.

  14. CDN_Attack_Beaver

    I had this happen to me right after Junior in an old timers league.. caught me on my left cheek under my eye and came across my nose. Cut part of my nostril clean through and broke my nose so bad the bones were displaced almost under my other eye. It was nasty. Healed well though!

  15. ThatBigNoodle

    Neck guards plus face masks. This league needs to be strict

  16. fjordperfect123

    Jfc I don’t know if I wasn’t paying attention last season but it feels like I’m seeing this way more this season.

    Not long ago there was a pile up at the net everybody on all fours trying to get up and a skate grazed a guy’s head like that.

    It’s going to be tough to watch/hear if something happens.

    And so Scheifele isn’t wearing a neck guard here. I swear to God these things might have to be made mandatory.

  17. Sad_Ad_3882

    Mandatory neck guards, and face masks! Problem solved

  18. timboslice1184

    Bedard with the dive! Felt the stick at his legs and decided to act… Fortunately it ended well…

  19. CanadianGirrl77

    Yet all the people demanding justice for Johnston use the argument that this « doesn’t happen that often »

  20. twizzyflyguy

    Happened today too in the Latvia Canada game

  21. drew00096

    Checked the box score didn’t see the Scheifele penalty. Best refs in the world tho….

  22. mightyopinionated

    this game is so fast now anything can happen in a blink of an eye

  23. meczakin81

    No. And you didn’t either. It’s the angle my dude.

  24. manhaterxxx

    And the refs didn’t even pay that as a trip

  25. bigmanbabyboy

    Iron Lotus type closeness to Scheifle’s face

  26. MrMcSpanky94

    Why are you calling him Bedsy…..

  27. TorqueShaft

    Oops here I go scorpion kickin yall

  28. rainb0gummybear

    Maybe it’ll make Scheifele think about smashing someone face into a post… Nah I’m sure he’s still gonna go full retard

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